Arm Performance Studio (formerly known as Arm Mobile Studio) is a performance analysis tool suite for developers to performance test their applications on devices with Mali-based GPUs. It comprises of 4 easy-to-use tools that show you how well your application performs either on off-the-shelf Android devices, or Linux targets. The tools help you to identify problems that might slow down performance, overheat the device, or drain the battery.

Streamline Capture a performance profile that shows all the performance counter activity from the device.
Performance Advisor Generate an easy-to-read performance summary from an annotated Streamline capture, and get actionable advice about where you should optimize.
Frame Advisor Capture the API calls and rendering from a problem frame and get comprehensive geometry metrics to discover what might be slowing down your application.
Graphics Analyzer Analyze OpenGL ES and Vulkan API calls in your application, to identify rendering defects and investigate problem scenes.
Mali Offline Compiler Analyze how efficiently your shader programs perform on a range of Mali GPUs.
RenderDoc for Arm GPUs The industry-standard tool for debugging Vulkan graphics applications, including early support for Arm GPU extensions and Android features.

Arm Performance Studio is supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS hosts. See the Install Guide for installation instructions.
