Install dependencies

Install micromamba to set up python 3.10 at path /opt/conda310, as required by the rtp-llm build system:


            "${SHELL}" <(curl -L
source ~/.bashrc
sudo ${HOME}/.local/bin/micromamba -r /opt/conda310 install python=3.10
micromamba -r /opt/conda310 shell

Install bazelisk to build rtp-llm:


chmod +x bazelisk-linux-arm64
sudo mv bazelisk-linux-arm64 /usr/bin/bazelisk

Install git/gcc/g++:


            sudo apt install git -y
sudo apt install build-essential -y

Install the openblas development package and fix the header paths:


            sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
sudo mkdir -p /usr/include/openblas
sudo ln -sf /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/cblas.h /usr/include/openblas/cblas.h

Download and build rtp-llm

You are now ready to start building rtp-llm.

Start by cloning the source repository for rtp-llm:


            git clone
cd rtp-llm
git checkout 4656265

Next, comment out lines 7-10 in deps/requirements_lock_torch_arm.txt as some hosts are not accessible from the web:


            sed -i '7,10 s/^/#/' deps/requirements_lock_torch_arm.txt

By default, rtp-llm builds for GPU only on Linux. You need to provide the additional flag --config=arm to build it for the Arm CPU that you will run it on.

Configure and build:


            bazelisk build --config=arm //maga_transformer:maga_transformer_aarch64

The output from your build should look like this:


        INFO: 10094 processes: 8717 internal, 1377 local.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 10094 total actions


Install the built wheel package:


            pip install bazel-bin/maga_transformer/maga_transformer-0.2.0-cp310-cp310-linux_aarch64.whl

Create a file named in your /tmp directory with the contents shown below:


            from maga_transformer.pipeline import Pipeline
from maga_transformer.model_factory import ModelFactory
from maga_transformer.openai.openai_endpoint import OpenaiEndopoint
from maga_transformer.openai.api_datatype import ChatCompletionRequest, ChatMessage, RoleEnum
from maga_transformer.distribute.worker_info import update_master_info

import asyncio
import json
import os

async def main():
    update_master_info('', 42345)
    os.environ["MODEL_TYPE"] = os.environ.get("MODEL_TYPE", "qwen2")
    os.environ["CHECKPOINT_PATH"] = os.environ.get("CHECKPOINT_PATH", "Qwen/Qwen2-0.5B-Instruct")
    os.environ["RESERVER_RUNTIME_MEM_MB"] = "0"
    os.environ["DEVICE_RESERVE_MEMORY_BYTES"] = f"{128 * 1024 ** 2}"
    model_config = ModelFactory.create_normal_model_config()
    model = ModelFactory.from_huggingface(model_config.ckpt_path, model_config=model_config)
    pipeline = Pipeline(model, model.tokenizer)

    # usual request
    for res in pipeline("<|im_start|>user\nhello, what's your name<|im_end|>\n<|im_start|>assistant\n", max_new_tokens = 100):

    # openai request
    openai_endpoint = OpenaiEndopoint(model)
    messages = [
            "role": RoleEnum.user,
            "content": "Who are you?",
    request = ChatCompletionRequest(messages=messages, stream=False)
    response = openai_endpoint.chat_completion(request_id=0, chat_request=request, raw_request=None)
    async for res in response:
    print((await response.gen_complete_response_once()).model_dump_json(indent=4))


if __name__ == '__main__':

Now run this file:


            python /tmp/

If rtp-llm has built correctly on your machine, you will see the LLM model response for the prompt input.

A snippet of the output is shown below:


        ['I am a large language model created by Alibaba Cloud. My name is Qwen.']
    "id": "chat-",
    "object": "chat.completion",
    "created": 1730272196,
    "model": "AsyncModel",
    "choices": [
            "index": 0,
            "message": {
                "role": "assistant",
                "content": "I am a large language model created by Alibaba Cloud. I am called Qwen.",
                "function_call": null,
                "tool_calls": null
            "finish_reason": "stop"
    "usage": {
        "prompt_tokens": 23,
        "total_tokens": 40,
        "completion_tokens": 17,
        "completion_tokens_details": null,
        "prompt_tokens_details": null
    "debug_info": null,
    "aux_info": null


You have successfully run a LLM chatbot with Arm optimizations, running on an Arm AArch64 CPU on your server.

You can continue to experiment with the chatbot by trying out different prompts on the model.
