Learn how to create a virtual machine in a Realm using Arm Confidential Compute Architecture (CCA)
Build and run the Arm CCA stack on an Arm FVP
Next Steps
Learn how to create a virtual machine in a Realm using Arm Confidential Compute Architecture (CCA)

About this Learning Path

Who is this for?

This is an introductory topic for software developers who want to learn about Arm Confidential Compute Architecture (CCA).

What will you learn?

Upon completion of this learning path, you will be able to:

  • Understand the reference software stack used in Arm CCA
  • Build and run the software stack on an Armv-A AEM Base FVP platform with support for RME extensions
  • Create a virtual machine in a Realm running guest Linux


Before starting, you will need the following:

  • An aarch64 or x86_64 computer running Ubuntu 22.04. Cloud instances can be used, refer to the list of Arm cloud service providers .
  • If you use a client application to access your computer running Ubuntu, make sure that X11 forwarding is enabled.