To follow this learning path, you need Arm Development Studio installed, and an appropriate license. See the Arm Development Studio Install Guide for instructions. Screenshots in this tutorial are from Arm Development Studio 2023.0.

You also need the Neoverse RD-N2 Reference Design Software Stack set up, and an associated FVP (Fixed Virtual Platform). For further information, see Get started with the Neoverse Reference Design Software Stack .

Modify the run script

Modify this run script:



Remove the –R parameter from the PARAMS= section.

In the original script, this option was used to allow the FVP to continue to execute and not wait for the debug connection.

Image Alt Text:modify parameters alt-textFigure 1. Modify

Debug server

To start a CADI debug server, use the -S option. For an Iris debug server, change this to -I instead.

Run the script to launch the model:


FVP Accuracy

FVPS do not completely model the IMP DEF behavior that RTL does.

FVPs also do not model cycles, performance, or AXI/ACE/AHB/CHI bus-level transactions.
