Debugging BL1

In the Edit configuration and launch panel Connection tab, select the ARM_Neoverse-N2_0.

Image Alt Text:select target alt-textFigure 1. Select target

Add debug symbols. In the Debugger tab, check the Execute debugger commands, and add the following commands:


            add-symbol-file "/<workspace>/rd-infra/tf-a/build/rdn2/debug/bl1/bl1.elf" EL3:0x0
add-symbol-file "/<workspace>/rd-infra/tf-a/build/rdn2/debug/bl2/bl2.elf" EL1S:0x0
add-symbol-file "/<workspace>/rd-infra/tf-a/build/rdn2/debug/bl31/bl31.elf" EL3:0x0

If you would like to add platform-specific debug files, the memory locations are in the corresponding platform_h.def file.

Image Alt Text:tfa symbols alt-textFigure 2. Load TF-A symbols

These commands load the symbol files and specify the memory address location, updating workspace to include the path to your own workspace directory.

The EL (Exception Level) and number at the end of each command, for example, EL3:0, ensure the symbols are loaded into the correct virtual address space and at the correct memory offset. ATF uses absolute addresses for its symbols so we use an offset of 0.

After connecting to the running model, check that it has stopped. Set a breakpoint on the next instruction of the TF-A and press run. In this debug panel, you can find common debugging functions like stepping and skipping.

Image Alt Text:debug options alt-textFigure 3. Debug options

Observe the SCP console output. After the SCP deasserts, reset for the Neoverse N2 Core 0, it stops on the breakpoint.

Image Alt Text:scp terminal alt-textFigure 4. SCP terminal

Finally, set a breakpoint in the function you would like to debug. In this example, we set a breakpoint at bl1_main()and continue.

Image Alt Text:bl1 breakpoint alt-textFigure 5. BL1 breakpoint
