Before you begin

You will need to setup two file servers using the instructions in the previous section before moving forward.

In this section, a third node is setup that will run a Reverse Proxy & API Gateway (this will also be referred to a RP/APIGW). This RP/APIGW will use the two file servers as the upstream servers it will load balance across. The configuration shown here is a bare minimum. Tuning will be explored in the advanced Learn how to Tune Nginx learning path. Once you complete this section, you should review the Nginx documentation on Reverse Proxies. There are also some Nginx blogs that discuss the deployment of API Gateways.

Setup a reverse proxy and API gateway

Nginx configuration

SSH to the node that will run the RP/APIGW.

Use a text editor to add the text below to the file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

You will need to open the editor with sudo.

If the file already contains configuration data, replace it with the content below.


            user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
pid /run/;

events {
http {
  include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
  default_type application/octet-stream;

  # Virtual Host Configs
  include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

The above information does not configure the RP/APIGW. The file above sets the global configurations for Nginx. Additional blocks and directives are needed in order to create the RP/APIGW. The additional configurations needed are placed in /etc/nginx/conf.d because this location is included in the configuration file above.

Use a text editor to define the RP/APIGW by adding the following configuration information to the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/loadbalance.conf:


            # Upstreams for https
upstream ssl_file_server_com {
  server <fileserver_1_ip_or_dns>:443;
  server <fileserver_2_ip_or_dns>:443;

# HTTPS reverse proxy and API Gateway
server {
  listen 443 ssl;
  root /usr/share/nginx/html;
  index index.html index.htm;
  server_name $hostname;

  ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/ecdsa.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/ecdsa.key;
  ssl_ciphers ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384;

  # API Gateway Path
  location ~ ^/api_old/.*$ {
    rewrite ^/api_old/(.*)$ /api_new/$1 last;
  location /api_new {
    proxy_pass https://ssl_file_server_com;

  # Reverse Proxy Path
   location / {
   proxy_pass https://ssl_file_server_com;

The block called upstream lists the upstream file servers the RP/APIGW will load balance across. Substitute your IP addresses or DNS names.

There are three location blocks. The first two configure the API gateway functionality and the third one configures a reverse proxy. The difference between a reverse proxy and an API gateway is that an API gateway rewrites a client’s requested URI, and then routes that rewritten request to the upstream servers. The rewriting of the URI allows for separating a public API from a private API. The API gateway in this configuration looks for /api_old/ at the beginning of the URI, and replaces it with /api_new/.

Once the rewrite happens, the second location block handles forwarding the rewritten URI to the upstream server (note the reference to ssl_file_server_com).

The third location block simply forwards all other requests that don’t start with /api_new/ to the upstream server without a URI rewrite.

Creating ECDSA key and certificate for the RP/APIGW file server

Refer to the section Setup a static file server to generate the keys and certificate that will be used by the RP/APIGW.

Checking Nginx configuration and starting the server

Check the configuration for correct syntax and then start the Nginx RP/APIGW using the following command:


            nginx -t -v

The output from this command will be similar to:


        nginx version: nginx/1.23.4
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful


Start Nginx, refer to Install Nginx via a package manager and check the build configuration for a sample service file:


            sudo service nginx start

Create sample file for APIGW path

SSH to each of the upstream file servers and switch to root.


            sudo su -

Create files to serve for the RP and APIGW paths. The files should be placed in /usr/share/nginx/html (this is what the root directive was set to in file server configuration in the previous section.


            echo Hello, this is a text file to serve > /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html/api_new
cp /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt /usr/share/nginx/html/api_new/apigw_file.txt

Verify the RP/APIGW

This can be done in two steps.

You can verify files are being served in two steps, a localhost test followed by an IP address or DNS name test.

  1. SSH to the RP/APIGW node. Then run the wget commands shown below.

Check the reverse proxy path:


            wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost/file.txt

Check the API gateway:


            wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost/api_old/apigw_file.txt
  1. SSH to a node that is not the RP/APIGW node and run the commands below.

Check the reverse proxy path:


            wget --no-check-certificate https://<rpapigw_ip_or_dns>/file.txt

Check the API gateway:


            wget --no-check-certificate https://<rpapigw_ip_or_dns>/api_old/apigw_file.txt

If the above commands work, then the RP/APIGW is setup properly.

Feel free to experiment with the file server configuration.

You can review the Nginx documentation on reverse proxies.
