Increase application performance with libhugetlbfs

MySQL and libhugetlbfs

You can enable libhugetlbfs on more complex workloads such as MySQL and test the results after enabling it.

Before proceeding, you should be familiar with building and running MySQL. Refer to Benchmarking MySQL with Sysbench for more information. The steps below explain how to modify the build and run of MySQL server to enable libhugtlbfs (full instructions are not provided).

Commands to build

In order to build MySQL with libhugetlbfs support, you add the following options to both -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS and -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:


            -B /usr/share/libhugetlbfs -Wl,--hugetlbfs-align -no-pie -Wl --no-as-needed

If you look at the cmake command in the Build and install MySQL server section you will see the cmake command to modify.

The new cmake command is:


             cmake -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-g -mcpu=native -B /usr/share/libhugetlbfs -Wl,--hugetlbfs-align -no-pie -Wl,--no-as-needed" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-g -mcpu=native -B /usr/share/libhugetlbfs -Wl,--hugetlbfs-align -no-pie -Wl,--no-as-needed" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/mysql/mysql_install/1-install_8.0.33_huge -DWITH_BOOST=/home/mysql/boost_1_77_0/ ..

The 2 make commands are the same:


            make -j $(nproc)
make -j $(nproc) install

After the build completes, check if the program has linked with, for example:


            ldd mysqld | grep huge

The output should show libhugetlbfs is being used.


        => /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (0x0000ffffac690000)


Commands to run

After rebuilding MySQL with libhugetlbfs, add HUGETLB_ELFMAP=RW at the beginning of the commands that start MySQL.

This is an addition to the information in the Start the MySQL server section. Add the variable before each invocation of mysql.

For example:


            HUGETLB_ELFMAP=RW /home/mysql/mysql_install/1-install_8.0.33_huge/bin/mysqld ...

Do not export HUGETLB_ELFMAP=RW as an environment variable, it has to be specified right before the mysqld executable.

Test Results

Testing MySQL without and with libhugetlbfs shows that performance increases by approximately 12%.

Without libhugetlbfs

Reboot your server and run the test twice.

First round



    events/s (eps):                      8604.3221

    time elapsed:                        300.0912s

    total number of events:              2582080


Second round

The TPS is 8524 events/sec. You can also use perf stat during the run to look at the TLB refill counts.


            perf stat -e l1d_tlb_refill,l1i_tlb_refill,l2d_tlb_refill -a -- sleep 10

The output will be similar to:



 Performance counter stats for 'system wide':

       815,254,864      l1d_tlb_refill                                              

       490,265,467      l1i_tlb_refill                                              

       422,887,362      l2d_tlb_refill                                              

      10.003289183 seconds time elapsed


    events/s (eps):                      8524.8307

    time elapsed:                        300.0878s

    total number of events:              2558197


With libhugetlbfs

Reboot your server and run 2 more tests with libhugetlbfs enabled.

To enable hugepages, you need to run the following commands:


            chown -R mysql.mysql /dev/hugepages
echo 40 >  /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages

The first command gives permission to the mysql user to access hugepages (default is only root). The second command allocates 40 hugepages.

When the test is run you can check that hugepages are used:


            cat /proc/meminfo

The output will show the number of free hugepages has decreased.


        HugePages_Total:      40

HugePages_Free:        4

HugePages_Rsvd:        1

HugePages_Surp:        0

Hugepagesize:       2048 kB

Hugetlb:           81920 kB


In this case, MySQL used 36 huge pages (36*2M=72M).

First round

The TPS is 9627 events/sec, a 12.9% increase compared to the first round without hugepages.



    events/s (eps):                      9627.5017

    time elapsed:                        300.0855s

    total number of events:              2889073


Second round

The TPS is 9538 events/sec, a 11.9% increase compared to the second round without enabling hugepages.

The perf stat output shows TLB misses are significantly reduced:


            perf stat -e l1d_tlb_refill,l1i_tlb_refill,l2d_tlb_refill -a -- sleep 10

The output will be similar to:



 Performance counter stats for 'system wide':

       688,157,786      l1d_tlb_refill                                              

        70,741,621      l1i_tlb_refill                                              

       254,054,393      l2d_tlb_refill                                              

      10.002128509 seconds time elapsed


    events/s (eps):                      9538.9346

    time elapsed:                        300.0847s

    total number of events:              2862487


Building and running MySQL with libhugetlbfs provides increased performance.
