Learn how to migrate an x86 application to multi-architecture with Arm-based on Google Axion Processor on GKE
Build and deploy a multi-arch application on GKE
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Learn how to migrate an x86 application to multi-architecture with Arm-based on Google Axion Processor on GKE

Migrate an existing x86-based application to run on Arm-based nodes in a single GKE cluster

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) supports hybrid clusters with x86 and Arm based nodes. The Arm-based nodes can be deployed on the C4A family of virtual machines. The C4A VMs are based on Google Axion , Google’s first Arm-based server processor, built using the Armv9 Neoverse V2 CPU.

Before you begin

On your local machine, install the following tools.

You will need a Google Cloud account . Create an account if needed.

Three tools are required on your local machine. Follow the links to install the required tools.

Create a Docker repository in Google Artifact Registry

This section assumes that you have a GKE cluster with 3 x86-based nodes running in your environment. If you do not have the cluster then follow the official google docs to create one.

Setup the following environment variables:


            export PROJECT_ID=<your-project-id>
export ZONE=<zone id - us-central1-c>
export CLUSTER_NAME=<your-cluster-name>

The github project repository listed below contains all the required files to follow this learning path. Clone it to your local machine:


            git clone https://github.com/pbk8s/gke-arm

Create a docker repository in the Google Artifact Registry with the following command:


            gcloud artifacts repositories create docker-repo \
      --repository-format=docker \
      --location=<your-region> \
      --description="Docker repository for multi-arch images"

Replace <your-region> in the command above with the location where you want the create the repository storage.

Configure the cli to authenticate the docker repository in the Artifact Registry:


            gcloud auth configure-docker us-central1-docker.pkg.dev

Build the docker image for the existing x86-based version of application:


            docker build -t us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/docker-repo/x86-hello:v0.0.1 . 

Push the docker image you created to the docker repository:


            docker push us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/docker-repo/x86-hello:v0.0.1 

Connect to your existing GKE Cluster (with x86-based nodes) and deploy the application

Retrieve the GKE cluster credentials:


            gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone $ZONE --project $PROJECT_ID

Update the docker image with a tool called Kustomize. This tool allows you to customize kubernetes objects.


            $(cd k8s/overlays/x86 && kustomize edit set image hello=us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/docker-repo/x86-hello:v0.0.1) 
kubectl apply -k k8s/overlays/x86

To access the application from outside your cluster, deploy the following kubernetes service:


            kubectl apply -f k8s/hello-service.yaml

After an external IP is assigned to this service, open a browser and access the webpage as shown:



Alternatively, you can also use the curl command to access the webpage:


            curl -w '\n' http://$external_ip

You should see output similar to what is shown below:


        Hello from NODE:gke-multi-arch-cluster-default-pool-45537239-q83v, POD:x86-hello-deployment-9e7b823ed8-xutvf, CPU PLATFORM:linux/amd64


Add Arm-based nodes to your GKE cluster

Use the following command to add an Arm-based node pool with VM type c4a-standard-2 to your GKE cluster:


            gcloud container node-pools create arm-pool \
    --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --zone $ZONE \
    --machine-type=c4a-standard-2 \

After the Arm-nodes are successfully added to the cluster, run the following command to check if both types of nodes show up in the cluster:


            kubectl get nodes -o wide

The output should show both x86 and Arm-based nodes.

You have now successfully setup a hybrid cluster with both x86 and Arm64 architecture nodes.

Taints and Tolerations

In a hybrid cluster setup with nodes from different architectures (x86 and Arm64), GKE adds a taint on the nodes to avoid the possibility of scheduling pods on wrong architecture. A node taint lets the kubernetes scheduler know that a particular node is designated for one architecture only. A toleration lets you designate pods that can be used on tainted nodes.

In the github repository view the following yaml file:


            cat k8s/overlays/arm/add_arm_support.yaml

In this file, refer to the section shown below:


      kubernetes.io/arch: arm64

This field specifies that the application should only run on Arm-based nodes. After applying this file, GKE adds a toleration that matches the taint on Arm nodes, so that it can schedule the Arm-based application pods on these nodes.

Modify application to run on Arm-based nodes

The application used in this learning path is developed in Go language. Check the contents of following file:


            cat Dockerfile_arm

In this file, the architecture flag is set to GOARCH=arm64. This way, the application built will be compatible with Arm. You can now use the following set of commands to build the docker image and push it to registry:


            docker build -t us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/docker-repo/arm-hello:v0.0.1 -f Dockerfile_arm .
docker push us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/docker-repo/arm-hello:v0.0.1

Now, using taints and tolerations deploy this application in the cluster:


            $(cd k8s/overlays/arm && kustomize edit set image hello=us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/docker-repo/arm-hello:v0.0.1) 
kubectl apply -k k8s/overlays/arm

After the application gets deployed, check the status of pods with the following command:


            kubectl get pods

Open a web browser and hit the external IP URL or use curl command as shown below:


            curl -w '\n' http://$external_ip

Refresh the browser a couple of times and you should see the output from both x86 and Arm compatible versions of the application.

The output will be similar to what is shown below:


        Hello from NODE:gke-multi-arch-cluster-default-pool-45537239-q83v, POD:x86-hello-deployment-9e7b823ed8-xutvf, CPU PLATFORM:linux/amd64
Hello from NODE:gke-multi-arch-cluster-arm-pool-n381qvv-bqcr, POD:arm-hello-deployment-21b8d2exfc-o8q33, CPU PLATFORM:linux/arm64


You have now migrated your existing x86-based application to run on an Arm-based GKE cluster and made it multi-arch.
