You’ll now learn about the project structure of the Pulumi application you’ve just created.
To open the application, go to the azure-aci folder, and type:
code .
This will open Visual Studio Code, and you will see the folder, which resembles a typical structure of the Node.js application with node_modules and the package.json. On top of that, the Pulumi project contains the following files:
The generated index.ts looks as follows:
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as resources from "@pulumi/azure-native/resources";
import * as storage from "@pulumi/azure-native/storage";
// Create an Azure Resource Group
const resourceGroup = new resources.ResourceGroup("resourceGroup");
// Create an Azure resource (Storage Account)
const storageAccount = new storage.StorageAccount("sa", {
sku: {
name: storage.SkuName.Standard_LRS,
kind: storage.Kind.StorageV2,
// Export the primary key of the Storage Account
const storageAccountKeys = storage.listStorageAccountKeysOutput({
export const primaryStorageKey = storageAccountKeys.keys[0].value;
The above listing gives us an idea of how Pulumi works. It maps the Azure resources (like resource groups, Virtual Machines, and so on) to functions and objects. The form of them depends on the programming language you use with Pulumi. Here, we’ve used TypeScript and have created the Azure resources as we would create TypeScript objects. For example, to create a resource group, you use resources.ResourceGroup.