
In this step, you will install the following tools in the virtual machine:

  • .NET 7 SDK – to build and run the application
  • git – to clone application sources

Next, you will use git to clone application sources and finally, you will build and launch the application.


To install .NET SDK:

  1. In the terminal of the virtual machine type:
wget https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh

This will download the installation script.

  1. Make the script executable:
chmod +x dotnet-install.sh
  1. Run the script (it will install .NET SDK 7 under the folder .dotnet):
./dotnet-install.sh --channel 7.0
  1. Add the .dotnet folder to the PATH by typing:
export PATH="/home/arm/.dotnet/:$PATH"
  1. To check that the installation was successful, type:
dotnet --list-sdsk
Note In this tutorial, we installed .NET 7 because the application we will deploy was built using .NET 7. If you need to install another .NET version, modify the channel parameter of the installation script.

To install git, use the terminal of the virtual machine and type:

sudo apt-get install -y git-all

Wait for the installation to be completed. It will take a while.

Clone and run the application

You will now clone the application by typing:

git clone https://github.com/dawidborycki/People.WebApp.git

The application sources will be cloned to the People.WebApp folder. Change the working directory to:

cd People.WebApp/

Then, run the application so that it will listen for requests on port 8080:

dotnet run --urls ""

After completing this step, you will see the following output:

Image Alt Text:Application#leftFigure 14. Cloning and running the application

The application is ready and listening for the requests on port 8080. However, the network traffic is blocked on all ports except 22. You will need to configure the Network Security Group to enable the traffic.

Configure Network Security Group

To allow traffic on port 8080 for the Virtual Machine vm-arm64, proceed as follows:

  1. In the search box of the Azure Portal, type vm-arm64 and select this resource
  2. In the vm-arm64 screen, click the Networking tab on the left (it’s under Settings). You will see the following screen: Image Alt Text:Application#leftFigure 15. Networking tab of the virtual machine

In the Networking tab of the Virtual Machine, click the Add inbound port rule button (it’s on the right). This will open a new popup window Add inbound security rule: Image Alt Text:Application#leftFigure 16. Adding inbound port rule

Ensure the rule is configured as follows:

  1. Source: Any
  2. Source port ranges: *****
  3. Destination: Any
  4. Service: Custom
  5. Destination port ranges: 8080
  6. Protocol: Any
  7. Action: Allow
  8. Priority: 310
  9. Name: AllowAnyCustom8080Inbound

Then, click Add and wait for the security rule to be applied.

Once this is done, open your web browser and type the public IP address of your VM followed by 8080 port: You’ll see that the application is up and running: Image Alt Text:Application#leftFigure 17. An application deployed to Azure virtual machine


This part of the tutorial has shown you how to create an arm64-powered Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure, how to connect to that VM using SSH, and how to install the tools required to build and run the .NET web application. Finally, you have learned how to configure a network security group to enable inbound traffic on port 8080.
