
You will now connect to the VM using the SSH protocol and the public IP address of the virtual machine. Note In this tutorial, we will use the public IP address, Please make sure that you use the public IP of your virtual machine instead.

You can use a local terminal or the Azure Cloud Shell to connect to the VM. The latter is available directly from the Azure Portal and to avoid installing additional tools, we will use the Cloud Shell.

Azure Cloud Shell

To open the Cloud Shell, click on the Cloud Shell icon located in the top right corner of Azure Portal: Image Alt Text:Azure Cloud Shell#leftFigure 10. A top right corner of the Azure Portal

This will activate a new popup window which appears at the bottom of the Azure Portal: Image Alt Text:Azure Cloud Shell#leftFigure 11. Mounting a storage

Click Create storage, and wait until the storage account is created. A Cloud Shell terminal should be ready. If it asks you for the interpreter, select Bash. The Cloud Shell terminal will look as follows: Image Alt Text:Azure Cloud Shell#leftFigure 12. Cloud shell

Connecting to the Virtual Machine using Azure Cloud Shell

You can now use the Cloud Shell to connect to the VM via SSH. To do so, type the Public IP address (remember to use the Public IP address of your virtual machine):


            ssh arm@

This will initiate the connection with the VM. The SSH will display the following message: Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? Type yes. Then provide your password to authenticate: Image Alt Text:Azure Cloud Shell#leftFigure 13. Authentication

You now have terminal access to the VM. You can use it in the next step to install application dependencies (.NET SDK).
