Creating the Virtual Machine
Connecting to the Virtual Machine
Installing application dependencies and running the application
Create a Dockerfile using Visual Studio Code
Building a Docker image
Azure Container Registry
Pushing the local image to Azure Container Registry
Next Steps
Let’s start by creating the Virtual Machine. Go to and sign in. You will see this screen which enables you to create Azure resources:
In the search box, type VM, and pick the first item on the list (Virtual machines):
In the Virtual machines, click + Create (in the top left corner), and then select Azure virtual machine:
This takes you to the Create a Virtual Machine wizard as shown below:
Configure your VM with the following settings:
At this point, your configuration should look like this example:
Let’s now configure other aspects of the Virtual Machine:
Click the Review + create button. The Azure Portal will validate your configuration and, if all is correct, you will see a green box saying: Validation passed:
Click the Create button. The portal will now start the process of creating your VM. You will notice that, apart from the VM itself, the portal creates additional resources for you:
Wait a few moments for the deployment to be completed:
Finally, click the Go to resource button. You’ll be redirected to the overview of your newly created virtual machine in Microsoft Azure:
Note your Public IP address (top right part of the overview). In this tutorial, this is