Deploy a .NET application on Microsoft Azure Cobalt 100 VMs

In this Learning Path, you will build a .NET 8-based web application using a self-hosted GitHub Actions Arm64 runner. You will deploy the application in an Azure Kubernetes Cluster, running on Microsoft Cobalt 100-based VMs. Self-hosted runners offer increased control and flexibility in terms of infrastructure, operating systems, and tools, in comparison to GitHub-hosted runners.


How do I create an Azure Virtual Machine?

Creating a virtual machine based on Azure Cobalt 100 is no different from creating any other VM in Azure. To create an Azure virtual machine, launch the Azure portal and navigate to Virtual Machines.

Select Create Azure Virtual Machine, and fill in the details such as Name, and Region.

In the Size field, click on See all sizes and select the D-Series v6 family of VMs. Select D2psv6 from the list and create the VM.

Image Alt Text:azure-cobalt-vm


To learn more about Arm-based VMs in Azure, refer to “Getting Started with Microsoft Azure” in Get started with Arm-based cloud instances .

How do I configure the GitHub repository?

The source code for the application and configuration files that you require to follow this Learning Path are hosted in this msbuild-azure github repository . This repository also contains the Dockerfile and Kubernetes deployment manifests that you require to deploy the .NET 8 based application.

Follow these steps:

  • Start by forking the repository.

  • Once the GitHub repository is forked, navigate to the Settings tab, and click on Actions in the left navigation pane.

  • In Runners, select New self-hosted runner, which opens up a new page to configure the runner.

  • For Runner image, select Linux, and for Architecture, select ARM64.

  • Using the commands shown, execute them on the D2psv6 VM you created in the previous step.

  • Once you have configured the runner successfully, you will see a self-hosted runner appear on the same page in GitHub.


To learn more about creating an Arm-based self-hosted runner, see this Learning Path Use Self-Hosted Arm64-based runners in GitHub Actions for CI/CD .

How do I create an AKS cluster with Arm-based Azure Cobalt 100 nodes using Terraform?

You can create an Arm-based AKS cluster by following the steps in this Learning Path Create an Arm-based Kubernetes cluster on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service .

Make sure to update the file with the correct VM as shown below:


            `vm_size` = `Standard_D2ps_v6`

Once you have successfully created the cluster, you can proceed to the next section.

How do I create a container registry with Azure Container Registry (ACR)?

To create a container registry in Azure Container Registry to host the Docker images for your application, use the following command:


            az acr create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name mycontainerregistry

How do I set up GitHub Secrets?

The next step allows GitHub Actions to access the Azure Container Registry to push application docker images and Azure Kubernetes Service to deploy application pods.

Create the following secrets in your GitHub repository:

  • Populate ACR_Name with the name of your Azure Container Registry.
  • Populate AZURE_CREDENTIALS with Azure Credentials of a Service Principal.
  • Populate CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your AKS cluster.
  • Populate CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME with the name of your resource group.

Refer to this guide for further information about signing into Azure using GitHub Actions.

Deploy a .NET-based application

.NET added support for Arm64 applications starting with version 6. Several performance enhancements have been made in later versions. The latest version that supports Arm64 targets is .NET 9. In this Learning Path, you will use the .NET 8 SDK for application development.

Follow these steps:

  • In your fork of the GitHub repository, inspect the aks-ga-demo.csproj file.

  • Verify that the TargetFramework field has net8.0 as the value.

The contents of the file are shown below:


            <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">



You can inspect the contents of the Dockerfile within your repository as well. This is a multi-stage Dockerfile with the following stages:

  1. base stage - prepares the base environment with the .NET 8 SDK and exposes ports 80 and 443.

  2. build stage - restores dependencies and builds the application.

  3. publish stage - publishes the application making it ready for deployment.

  4. final stage - copies the published application into the final image and sets the entry point to run the application.


            FROM AS base

FROM AS build
COPY ["aks-ga-demo.csproj", "./"]
RUN dotnet restore "./aks-ga-demo.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/."
RUN dotnet build "aks-ga-demo.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "aks-ga-demo.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "aks-ga-demo.dll"]

Next, navigate to the k8s folder and check the Kubernetes yaml files. The deployment.yml file defines a deployment for the application. It specifies the container image to use from ACR and exposes port 80 for the application. The deployment ensures that the application runs with the defined resource constraints and is accessible on the specified port.


            apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: githubactions-aks-demo
      app: githubactions-aks-demo
        app: githubactions-aks-demo
      - name: githubactions-aks-demo
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - containerPort: 80

The service.yml file defines a Service and uses LoadBalancer to expose the service externally on port 8080, directing traffic to the application’s container on port 80.


            apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: githubactions-aks-demo-service
    app: githubactions-aks-demo
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 8080
    targetPort: 80

Finally, have a look at the GitHub Actions file located at .github/workflows/deploytoAKS.yml


            name: Deploy .NET app


    name: Deploy application
    runs-on: self-hosted
      - name: Checkout repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Build image
        run: docker build -t githubactions-aks-demo:'${{github.sha}}' .
      - name: Azure login
        uses: azure/login@v1.4.6
          creds: '${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}'

      - name: ACR login
        run: az acr login --name msbuilddemo

      - name: Tag and push image
        run: |
          docker tag githubactions-aks-demo:'${{github.sha}}''${{github.sha}}'
          docker push'${{github.sha}}'

      - name: Get AKS credentials
          CLUSTER_NAME: ${{ secrets.CLUSTER_NAME }}
        run: |
          az aks get-credentials \
            --resource-group $CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
            --name $CLUSTER_NAME \
      - name: Deploy application
        uses: Azure/k8s-deploy@v1
          action: deploy
          manifests: |
          images: |
  ${{github.sha }}

This GitHub Actions yaml file defines a workflow to deploy a .NET application to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). This workflow runs on the self-hosted GitHub Actions runner that you configured in a previous step. This workflow can be triggered manually, or on a push to the repository.

It has the following main steps:

  1. Checkout repo - checks out the repository code.
  2. Build image - builds a Docker image of the application.
  3. Azure login - logs in to Azure using stored credentials in GitHub Secrets.
  4. ACR login - logs in to Azure Container Registry (ACR).
  5. Tag and push image - tags and pushes the Docker image to Azure Container Registry.
  6. Get AKS credentials - retrieves Azure Kubernetes Cluster credentials.
  7. Deploy application - deploys the application to AKS using specified Kubernetes manifests.

How do I run the CI/CD pipeline?

The next step is to trigger the pipeline manually by navigating to Actions tab in the GitHub repository. Select Deploy .NET app, and click on Run Workflow. You can also execute the pipeline by making a commit to the repository. Once the pipeline executes successfully, you will see the Actions output in a format similar to what is shown below:

Image Alt Text:github-run

You can check your kubernetes cluster and see new application pods deployed on the cluster as shown below:

Image Alt Text:kubernetes-deployment
