Install PAPI

Use the Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) install guide to install PAPI on your computer.

You can find more information in the documentation .

Set the environment variable PAPI_DIR to the location where PAPI is installed.

For example, if you installed PAPI in /usr/local and are using bash then execute:


            export PAPI_DIR=/usr/local

Depending on your system, you might need to set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include $PAPI_DIR/lib also.

Enable user space access to the counters by running:


            sudo sh -c "echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid"

If you don’t run the above command you will need to run the papi_example program below using sudo or as root.

Use PAPI to instrument counters

You can use PAPI to measure total instructions executed (INST_RETIRED: 0x08) and the load instructions executed speculatively (LD_SPEC: 0x70).

Use a text editor to create a file named papi_example.c and paste the code below into the file:


            #include <papi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TOT_EVENTS 2

// The function to counting through (called in main)
void code_to_measure(){
  int sum = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i){
    sum += 1;

int main() {
  int retval, EventSet=PAPI_NULL;
  long_long values[TOT_EVENTS];  // Holds event counter results

  // Initialize the PAPI library
  retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT);
  if (retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT) {
    fprintf(stderr, "PAPI library init error!\n");

  // Create the Event Set
  if (PAPI_create_eventset(&EventSet) != PAPI_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error creating event set");

  // Add Total Instructions Executed to the Event Set as preset event
  if (PAPI_add_event(EventSet, PAPI_TOT_INS) != PAPI_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error adding total instructions event to event set");

  // Add Loads executed speculatively to the Event Set as native event
  if (PAPI_add_event(EventSet, 0x40000007) != PAPI_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error adding speculative loads event to event set");

  // Start counting events in the Event Set
  if (PAPI_start(EventSet) != PAPI_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error starting event counting");

  // Function to count through

  // Stop the counting of events in the Event Set
  if (PAPI_stop(EventSet, values) != PAPI_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error creating event set");

  // Read the events in the Event Set
  if (PAPI_read(EventSet, values) != PAPI_OK)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error creating event set");

  printf("Instructions retired: %lld\n",values[0]);
  printf("Loads executed speculatively: %lld\n",values[1]);

  return 0;

At the top of the file there is a function called code_to_measure. This is called from main and is the function to analyze.

At the top of main, there is a PAPI library initialization (PAPI_library_init). Under that initialization an EventSet is created (PAPI_create_eventset). The Event Set is a PAPI construct that allows for the grouping of a set of hardware events that will be counted together. Once this Event Set is created, two events are added to the Event Set with a pair of calls to PAPI_add_event. The first call adds the PAPI preset event PAPI_TOT_INS. This preset event is mapped to the Arm INST_RETIRED event (0x08).

Preset events are included in PAPI as a convenience. It is also possible to add events using event codes. This is the case in the second call to PAPI_add_event. Here the event code 0x40000007 is used. This is the PAPI event code for the Arm LD_SPEC event. However, the Arm event ID is actually 0x70, not 0x40000007. This is because the event code that needs to be passed into PAPI_add_event is a PAPI specific event code. The easiest way to get the PAPI event code is to use papi_avail utility as shown below.

Run the papi_avail command to see the available events:


            papi_avail -e LD_SPEC

The output will be similar to:


        Available PAPI preset and user defined events plus hardware information.
PAPI version             :
Operating system         : Linux 5.19.0
Vendor string and code   : ARM_ARM (65, 0x41)
Model string and code    : ARM Neoverse N1 (1, 0x1)
CPU revision             : 1.000000
CPUID                    : Family/Model/Stepping 8/3340/3, 0x08/0xd0c/0x03
CPU Max MHz              : 3
CPU Min MHz              : 3
Total cores              : 64
SMT threads per core     : 1
Cores per socket         : 64
Sockets                  : 1
Cores per NUMA region    : 64
NUMA regions             : 1
Running in a VM          : no
Number Hardware Counters : 6
Max Multiplex Counters   : 384
Fast counter read (rdpmc): no

Event name:                   LD_SPEC
Event Code:                   0x40000007
Number of Register Values:    0
Description:                 |Load instructions speculatively executed|

Unit Masks:
 Mask Info:                  |:u=0|monitor at user level|
 Mask Info:                  |:k=0|monitor at kernel level|
 Mask Info:                  |:h=0|monitor at hypervisor level|
 Mask Info:                  |:period=0|sampling period|
 Mask Info:                  |:freq=0|sampling frequency (Hz)|
 Mask Info:                  |:excl=0|exclusive access|
 Mask Info:                  |:mg=0|monitor guest execution|
 Mask Info:                  |:mh=0|monitor host execution|
 Mask Info:                  |:cpu=0|CPU to program|
 Mask Info:                  |:pinned=0|pin event to counters|


As shown above, the PAPI event code for LD_SPEC is 0x40000007. This code is mapped to the Arm LD_SPEC event (0x70).

After the events are added, PAPI_start is used to start the counters and PAPI_stop is used to stop them.

Any code that is executed in between these actions is the code that will be measured. In this example, it’s the function code_to_measure.

After counting is stopped, PAPI_read is called to read the counts for the events in the Event Set.

Compile papi_example.c using the GNU compiler:


            gcc papi_example.c -I ${PAPI_DIR}/include -L ${PAPI_DIR}/lib -lpapi -o papi_example

Run the application:



The program prints the two counters:


        Instructions retired: 11000000451
Loads executed speculatively: 3000014538


Your counter values may be different from what is shown above.

The events are also dependent on the specific instructions emitted by the compiler. Instructions may change based on compiler options and the version of the compiler.

PAPI supports multiplexing . It is possible to count more events than the CPU supports using PAPI.
