Use vcpkg

The following commands help you to work with vcpkg. The most important one is activate as this activates all tools specified by the configuration file.

Activate vcpkg

Activate tools specified by vcpkg-configuration.json


        vcpkg-shell activate
__output__warning: vcpkg-artifacts is experimental and may change at any time.
__output__Artifact                                Version Status    Dependency Summary                                             
__output__arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox 2.0.0   installed            Arm distributed Open-CMSIS-Pack cli tools           
__output__arm:compilers/arm/armclang              6.20.0  installed            Arm Compiler for Embedded                           
__output__microsoft:tools/kitware/cmake           3.25.2  installed            Kitware's cmake tool                                
__output__microsoft:tools/ninja-build/ninja       1.10.2  installed            Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed.


Deactivate artifacts specified by vcpkg-configuration.json


        vcpkg-shell deactivate
__output__warning: vcpkg-artifacts is experimental and may change at any time.
__output__Deactivating: /Users/myuser/projects/myproject


Activating tools without vcpkg-configuration.json


        vcpkg-shell use cmsis-toolbox
__output__warning: vcpkg-artifacts is experimental and may change at any time.
__output__Artifact                                Version Status    Dependency Summary                                  
__output__arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox 2.0.0   installed            Arm distributed Open-CMSIS-Pack cli tools


Retrieve all available versions of a tool


        vcpkg-shell use open-cmsis-pack
__output__warning: vcpkg-artifacts is experimental and may change at any time.
__output__error: Unable to resolve artifact: open-cmsis-pack
__output__Possible matches:
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox-2.0.0
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox-2.0.0-dev3
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox-2.0.0-dev2
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox-2.0.0-dev1
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox-2.0.0-dev0
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/ctools-2.0.0-dev0
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/ctools-1.7.0
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/ctools-1.6.0
__output__  arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/ctools-1.5.0


List available artifacts

For example, tools


        vcpkg-shell find artifact tools
__output__warning: vcpkg-artifacts is experimental and may change at any time.
__output__Artifact                                    Version    Summary                                             
__output__microsoft:tools/kitware/cmake               3.25.2     Kitwares cmake tool                                
__output__microsoft:tools/ninja-build/ninja           1.10.2     Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed.
__output__microsoft:tools/arduino/arduino-cli         0.18.3     Arduino IDE                                         
__output__microsoft:tools/microsoft/openocd           0.12.0     Free and open on-chip debugging                     
__output__arm:tools/arm/cmsis-core-tools              5.2.0      Arm CMSIS Core Tools                                
__output__arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/cmsis-toolbox     2.0.0      Arm distributed Open-CMSIS-Pack cli tools           
__output__arm:tools/open-cmsis-pack/ctools            2.0.0-dev0 Arm distributed Open-CMSIS-Pack cli tools           
__output__arm:tools/arm/uv2csolution                  v1.0.0     *.uvprojx/*.uvmpw to csolution/cproject converter   


For example, compilers


        vcpkg-shell find artifact compilers
__output__warning: vcpkg-artifacts is experimental and may change at any time.
__output__Artifact                                                         Version        Summary                              
__output__microsoft:compilers/arm-none-eabi-gcc                            10.3.1-2021.10 GCC compiler for ARM CPUs.           
__output__arm:compilers/arm/llvm-embedded                                  16.0.0         LLVM Embedded Toolchain for Arm CPUs.
__output__arm:compilers/arm/arm-none-eabi-gcc                              12.2.1-mpacbti GCC compiler for ARM CPUs.           
__output__arm:compilers/arm/armclang                                       6.20.0         Arm Compiler for Embedded            


Working with the vcpkg-configuration.json file

Create a new vcpkg-configuration.json file


            vcpkg-shell new --application

Add artifact to vcpkg-configuration.json file


             vcpkg-shell add artifact cmake

Remove artifact to vcpkg-configuration.json file


             vcpkg-shell remove microsoft:tools/kitware/cmake

Update a registry

For example, the arm registry:


            vcpkg-shell x-update-registry arm

Before using the Arm Compiler, you need to activate a license. The next step shows how to do that.
