vcpkg is a free C/C++ package manager for acquiring and managing libraries. It runs on all platforms, build systems, and work flows. it is maintained by the Microsoft C++ team and open source contributors.
In your favorite terminal application, change to the directory containing the uvprojx-based project.
If you have not done it before, install vcpkg (otherwise continue to step 2):
curl -LO && .\vcpkg-init.cmd
iex (iwr -useb
. < (curl -L)
Initialize vcpkg:
. ~/.vcpkg/vcpkg-init.ps1
. ~/.vcpkg/vcpkg-init
Update the Arm vcpkg registry (this will give you access to tools hosted by Arm):
vcpkg x-update-registry arm
Enable the uv2csolution
conversion tool:
vcpkg use uv2csolution
Run the conversion (in this example, the project is called MyProject.uvprojx
uv2csolution MyProject.uvprojx
This step generates the following files:
Activate the vcpkg configuration (this will install all required tools on your machine):
vcpkg activate
Get an MDK-Community license:
armlm activate -product KEMDK-COM0 -server
[Optional] Check your license:
armlm inspect
Build the project:
cbuild MyProject.csolution.yaml --update-rte
A successful project build will end with:
Program size: Code=... RO-data=... RW-data=... ZI-data=...
info cbuild: build finished successfully!