Implement the main RTOS thread (app_main), whose role is primarily to start and manage the other threads of the system.

In this example you shall create 3 threads. The number and naming of the threads is arbitrary.

Create app_main

Right click on the Source folder under the FVP target, and Add a new item. Select C file (.c), and create the app_main.c file with the contents below:


            #include "cmsis_os2.h"

void thread1(void *);
void thread2(void *);
void thread3(void *);

void app_main (void *argument) {
	osThreadNew(thread1, NULL, NULL);	// Create thread1
	osThreadNew(thread2, NULL, NULL);	// Create thread2
	osThreadNew(thread3, NULL, NULL);	// Create thread3

Create threads

You can now implement the functionality of the threads themselves. Start with a simple example… each thread will say hello, and then pause for a period, forever.

Right click on the Source folder under the FVP target, and Add a new item. Select C file (.c), and create the threads.c file with contents below:


            #include "cmsis_os2.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void __attribute__((noreturn)) thread1(void *argument){
		printf("hello from thread 1\n");

void __attribute__((noreturn)) thread2(void *argument){
		printf("hello from thread 2\n");

void __attribute__((noreturn)) thread3(void *argument){
		printf("hello from thread 3\n");