
Screenshots below are from older versions of Keil μVision, and are for illustrative purposes only.

There may be slight differences with latest versions of tools and/or software packs.

Build example with Keil μVision

Open the Pack Installer, select ARM as the device, and locate CMSIS-DSP DotProduct example from the Examples tab.

Click Copy, and save the project to an appropriate location on your host.

Image Alt Text:Pack Installer

The project contains build targets for different Cortex-M processors.

CMSIS-DSP Software Pack

The example is already configured to use the CMSIS-DSP software pack. To see this, open the Manage Run-Time Environment pane, and see CMSIS > DSP.

Image Alt Text:Manage Run-Time Environment


Open the Project > Batch Setup pane from the menu bar, and select (at least) ARMCM3 and ARMCM55_FP_MVE targets. Click Rebuild.

Image Alt Text:Batch Setup

Run example on Cortex-M3 FVP

From the Select Target pulldown, highlight the ARMCM3 target (build for Cortex-M3).

The project is already configured for the supplied Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs). See the Options > Debug pane.


Depending on the version of MDK you have installed the path to FVP executable may need to be updated.

  • MDK versions before 5.37: Keil_v5/ARM/FVP

  • MDK versions 5.38, 5.39: Keil_v5/ARM/VHT

  • MDK version 5.40 or later: Keil_v5/ARM/avh-fvp/bin/models

Start a debug session (Ctrl+F5) to load the image to the Cortex-M3 FVP, and run to main.

Note the number of instructions executed to this point, as shown in the FVP display (184 in the example below):

Image Alt Text:FVP Display

If not already set, place a breakpoint at the while(1); statement at the end of the main function.

Click Run (or press F5) to run the example to this breakpoint, and stop.

Note the number of instructions executed, and subtract the initialization cycle count.

Terminate the debug session.

Run example on Cortex-M55 FVP

From the Select Target pulldown, highlight the ARMCM55_FP_MVE target (build for Cortex-M55).

This build makes use of the Helium vectorizing extensions that Cortex-M55 supports.

Repeat the steps above to run on the Corstone-300 FVP, and note the number of instructions executed, which should be a dramatic improvement over Cortex-M3.


The FVPs are instruction accurate but not cycle accurate.

The instruction count is used here to illustrate relative performance to a high granularity.
