WindowsPerf cheat sheet

The cheat sheet for the wperf command line tool focuses specifically on counting and sampling commands. It includes wperf stat for counting occurrences of specific PMU events and wperf sample and wperf record for sampling PMU event. Each command is explained with practical example.

WindowsPerf cheat sheet (PMU Counting Examples)

  • Count events inst_spec, vfp_spec, ase_spec and ld_spec on core #0 for 3 seconds:

wperf stat -e inst_spec,vfp_spec,ase_spec,ld_spec -c 0 --timeout 3

  • Count metric imix (metric events will be grouped) and additional event l1i_cache on core #7 for 10.5 seconds:

wperf stat -m imix -e l1i_cache -c 7 --timeout 10.5

  • Count in timeline mode (output counting to CSV file) metric imix 3 times on core #1 with 2 second intervals (delays between counts). Each count will last 5 seconds:

wperf stat -m imix -c 1 -t -i 2 -n 3 --timeout 5


WindowsPerf cheat sheet (PMU Sampling Examples)

  • Launch and pin python_d.exe –c 10**10**100 to core no. 1 and sample given image name:

start /affinity 2 python_d.exe -c 10**10**100
wperf sample -e ld_spec:100000 -c 1 --pe_file python_d.exe --image_name python_d.exe


Same workflow can be wrapped with wperf record command, see example below:

  • Launch python_d.exe -c 10**10**100 process and start sampling event ld_spec with frequency 100000 on core no. 1 for 30 seconds.

wperf record -e ld_spec:100000 -c 1 --timeout 30 -- python_d.exe -c 10**10**100


Add --annotate or --disassemble to wperf record command line parameters to increase sampling “resolution”.

WindowsPerf cheat sheet (SPE Examples)

Use Arm SPE optional extension to sample on core no. 1 process python_d.exe. SPE filter load_filter / ld enables collection of load sampled operations, including atomic operations that return a value to a register.

Note: Double-dash operator -- can be used with SPE as well to launch the process.


wperf record -e arm_spe_0/ld=1/ -c 1 -– python_d.exe -c 10**10**100


Above command can be replaces by below two commands:


start /affinity 2 python_d.exe -c 10**10**100
wperf sample -e arm_spe_0/ld=1/ -c 1 --pe_file python_d.exe --image_name python_d.exe


Add --annotate or --disassemble to wperf record command line parameters to increase sampling “resolution”.
