
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide a serverless compute service called AWS Lambda that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers.

With AWS Lambda, you can execute code in response to various events, such as:

  • Changes to data in an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Updates to a DynamoDB table.
  • HTTP requests via Amazon API Gateway.

This event-driven compute service automatically scales your application by running code in response to each trigger, handling the necessary infrastructure management.

Lambda supports a variety of programming languages, including:

  • Python.
  • Java.
  • Node.js.
  • C#.
  • Go.

This gives developers flexibility in their choice of technology stack. It is cost-effective as you are only billed for the compute time your code consumes, measured in milliseconds, rather than for idle server time.

By leveraging AWS Lambda, developers can focus on other tasks without being concerned about the infrastructure. This makes it an ideal solution for building microservices, automating operational tasks, and creating backend services for web and mobile applications.

Additionally, AWS Lambda can be seamlessly integrated with AWS IoT Core through the Rules Engine, enabling you to process and respond to data from IoT devices in real time, enhancing the capabilities of IoT applications.
