At this point, you have a working memory allocator that tags the memory it manages. In this section we will show you a few classic memory allocation mistakes that this allocator can prevent because it uses memory tagging.

Note: the allocator used here is a demo and, therefore, does not make optimal use of memory tagging from either a security or performance point of view. Any production code should be rigorously tested.

How to Use These Examples

The demo program starts in main.c and each of these example exploits is written as a function you can call from the main function. Put these calls after the call to sigcation and before return 0;.

Signal Handling

When a memory tagging fault occurs, the kernel will convert this into a signal and send it to the program. To explain the memory tag faults, main.c includes a signal handler that is aware of memory tagging.

handle_segv is called whenever there is a segmentation fault, which we assume in our case to always be memory tagging related. When the signal is received, handle_segv will print output to tell you that an exception has happened along with the pointer that was used and the allocation tag of the memory it points to.

In addition, the handler attempts to diagnose the problem. This detection will only catch the common cases and may misdiagnose others.

Buffer Overflow Example

To try this exploit call buffer_overflow() from main. You can do this by uncommenting the call to the function in main.c and rebuilding demo:


Program caused an asynchronous memory tag fault.
  Pointer: 0x0100400000802020    Logical tag: 1
Points to: 0x0000400000802020 Allocation tag: 2

Program tried to access an allocation using an incorrect tag. Possibly a buffer overflow from a different allocation.


Buffer overflow is one of the most well known memory safety issues. A pointer to one buffer is incremented too far and is used to access another buffer that is adjacent in memory.

buffer_overflow does 2 allocations:


char *ptr = simple_malloc(12);
char *ptr2 = simple_malloc(12);


As our allocator is very predictable, we know these will be sequential (minus padding, more on that later) in memory.


| ptr1 | ptr2 | Free memory...|


The code uses ptr1 to read the contents of that allocation. When it increments ptr1 too far, it actually tries to read the ptr2 allocation.


  [0x0100400000802000 -> 0x0100400000802020) : [memory tag: 0x1] [allocated, size = 32 bytes]
  [0x0200400000802020 -> 0x0200400000802040) : [memory tag: 0x2] [allocated, size = 32 bytes]
  [0x0000400000802040 -> 0x0000400000803000) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 4032 bytes]


The two allocations have different memory tags. The program attempts to use ptr1 (tag 1) to access the allocation at ptr2 (which expects tag 2). This generates the exception.

Note that even though the program allocated only 4 bytes, this got padded to 16. So, in fact, the program can overflow into the padding space before it would get to ptr2’s allocation. This could be considered a flaw but in terms of data integrity, it’s not an issue because the contents of the ptr2 allocation are not at risk. That said, if you can fix issues like this, you should do so.

The use of 0 to tag free memory means that if this overflow were from ptr2 into the free memory, it would also be detected as we know that a pointer to allocated memory will never have a 0 tag.

The final detail here is that when using random tag values, a buffer overflow may not be detected unless the allocator is smart about choosing tag values (which this allocator is not).

Imagine we randomly assigned tag 3 to both allocations:


  [0x0300400000802000 -> 0x0100400000802020) : [memory tag: 0x3] [allocated, size = 32 bytes]
  [0x0300400000802020 -> 0x0200400000802040) : [memory tag: 0x3] [allocated, size = 32 bytes]
  [0x0000400000802040 -> 0x0000400000803000) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 4032 bytes]


Now we will not detect the buffer overflow because the tags still match. A smarter allocator could avoid this by randomizing tags and excluding the tags immediately surrounding the new allocation.

Use After Free Example

To try this exploit, call use_after_free from main. You can do this by uncommenting the call to the function in main.c and rebuilding demo:


Program caused an asynchronous memory tag fault.
  Pointer: 0x0100400000802008    Logical tag: 1
Points to: 0x0000400000802008 Allocation tag: 0

Program tried to access unallocated memory, or use after free.


A use after free happens when you allocate memory, free that memory, then attempt to access the memory again. Note that you should not do this but, without memory tagging or other sanitizers, nothing prevents you from doing so.

We can see that this has happened here because the pointer used to access memory (0x0100400000802008) is that of the first allocation.


  [0x0100400000802000 -> 0x0100400000802070) : [memory tag: 0x1] [allocated, size = 112 bytes]
  [0x0000400000802070 -> 0x0000400000803000) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 3984 bytes]


When it was first allocated, that memory (0x0000400000802008) had its allocation tags set to 1 to match the logical tag in the pointer.


  [0x0000400000802000 -> 0x0000400000802070) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 112 bytes]
  [0x0000400000802070 -> 0x0000400000803000) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 3984 bytes]


When the allocation was freed, the allocation tags were set to 0 so that access to that memory with a non-zero tag would raise an exception, which is what has happened here.

If not caught, issues like this can lead to memory corruption as the memory used for the original allocation may have been reused for a different allocation. It may now contain secret data or data that can alter control flow in a significant way.

For an allocator that stores its own metadata in the heap (as this allocator does), a use after free can also corrupt that metadata potentially damaging many allocations.

Double Free Example

To use this example, call double_free from main:


Program attempted an invalid free
  Pointer: 0x0200400000802018    Logical tag: 2
Points to: 0x0000400000802018 Allocation tag: 3


A double free occurs when memory is allocated, freed and then freed again. This should not happen as a single allocation should only allocated once, and freed once.

This may not look like a problem but remember that many allocators (including the one here) store metadata inside the heap. The second free can trick the allocator into updating what it thinks is metadata for the allocation. This metadata may now be tracking a different allocation or even be user data inside of a newer allocation. Either way, without some kind of protection, the heap would become corrupted.

In the case of the demo:


int *ptr = simple_malloc(sizeof(int));
int *ptr2 = simple_malloc(sizeof(int));


ptr is the first allocation, which is then freed. At that point the ranges are:


  [0x0000400000802000 -> 0x0000400000802010) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 16 bytes]
  [0x0000400000802010 -> 0x0000400000803000) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 4080 bytes]


ptr2 is the second allocation which, being the same size allocation, is put where ptr used to be.

ptr has tag 1, ptr2 will have tag 2.


  [0x0200400000802000 -> 0x0200400000802010) : [memory tag: 0x2] [allocated, size = 16 bytes]
  [0x0000400000802010 -> 0x0000400000803000) : [memory tag: 0x0] [     free, size = 4080 bytes]


Now when the program calls simple_free(ptr), its using a pointer that points to the ptr2 allocation but it does not have logical tag 2.

We could let this fault while simple_free attempts to access the range’s header but the problem becomes hard to diagnose from there. Instead, simple_free has an early check for this specific issue.


  // Detect attempts to free an allocation more than once.
  uint8_t logical_tag = get_logical_tag(ptr);
  uint8_t allocation_tag = get_memory_tag(ptr);
  if (logical_tag != allocation_tag) {
    printf("\nProgram attempted an invalid free\n");


If you are attempting to free memory using an incorrectly tagged pointer, this is invalid. This applies whether it actually points to an allocated range or to free space. Letting either happen could corrupt the internal structures of the heap.

Undefined Malloc And Free Behaviour

The C standard library defines free as expecting to be given a pointer that is exactly the same as that which was produced by malloc. Therefore, it is undefined behaviour to pass a modified pointer to free, for example, as a pointer to the middle of an allocation rather than the start.

This doesn’t mean that an implementation can’t accept a modified pointer. It means that when software passes a modified pointer, it cannot make assumptions about what will happen based purely on the C standard.

Some implementations choose to allow differences in the pointer as long as it points to the same allocation. Our memory tagging allocator is stricter than that. Despite the pointer’s logical tag not changing where it points to, the allocator will not allow you to use a pointer with an incorrect tag.

Looking at the examples above, you can see why the ranges of behaviour allowed by the standard (or rather, left undefined) can be useful for different use cases.

If you wanted to make our allocator less strict, you could disable tag checking. If you want to experiment with that, replacing PR_MTE_TCF_SYNC with PR_MTE_TCF_NONE is the first step.

An allocator that can vary the strictness of its checks like this can be useful for porting existing software that has memory problems.

  • Run the program with strict checks
  • Find a memory fault
  • Fix that fault
  • Run the program without strict checks to confirm the fix did not break any functionality
  • Repeat the steps until your program is free of memory faults