Based on the porting analysis you can start making changes to the source code and build options. This might be an iterative process. If the compilation fails, you can make modifications and then compile again.
The steps below assume that you are running all commands inside the aarch64
GCC development container.
Start by cloning the Sobel filter repository.
git clone
cd sobel-simd-opencv
To port the AVX intrinsics, you can use SIMD Everywhere ( SIMDe ). By using SIMDe you can keep the AVX intrinsics in the source code and the intrinsics will be replaced by NEON instructions.
Start by cloning the SIMDe repository:
git clone
Here are the changes required in CMakeLists.txt
# Add SIMDe options
Run the command below to make the changes:
sed -i "28i # Add SIMDe options\ninclude_directories(../simde)\nset(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14)\nset(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON)\nset(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF)\n" src/CMakeLists.txt
Finally, you need to include SIMDe AVX headers in main.cpp
like this:
#ifdef __aarch64__
#include "simde/x86/avx.h"
#warning AVX support is not available. Code will not compile
The changes can be made by running:
sed -i "40i #define SIMDE_ENABLE_NATIVE_ALIASES\n#ifdef __aarch64__\n#include \"simde/x86/avx.h\"\n#else\n#warning AVX support is not available. Code will not compile\n#endif" src/main.cpp
The -mavx
compiler option needs to be removed. You can add the optimization flag -O2
as it’s recommended
when transitioning to Arm
Below you can see the changes to make in CMakeLists.txt
# Enable SIMD instructions for Intel Intrinsics
if(NOT WIN32)
Make the changes by running the following command:
sed -i "s/-mavx/-O2/g" src/CMakeLists.txt
Compiler options should be tuned and optimized to achieve higher performance, but you can keep it simple for now as performance optimization comes at a later phase of the project.
Application porting is now complete. Go to the next section to compile and run the ported application.