
The hybrid-runtime is a low-level Open Container Initiative (OCI) compatible runtime. It’s written in Rust. There are three components that make up the runtime (shown as green in the figure below):

  1. The Command Line interface (CLI), which follows the OCI specification requirements. The runtime provides an executable that supports an array of commands, using the following template:

            $ runtime [global-options] <COMMAND> [command-specific-options] <command-specific-arguments>

The list of commands are as per the v1.2 specification : create, start, run, delete, kill, state, logs

  1. The hybrid-runtime provides the core functionality of each of the previously mentioned commands.
  2. The hybrid-shim is a lightweight component that sits between the hybrid-runtime and containerd. It helps facilitate communication between both, handling tasks such as the container process management and keeping track of the status of the container.

You can review the runtime high-level architecture in the image below:

Image Alt Text:hybrid runtime alt-textFigure 1. Hybrid runtime high-level architecture

Now that you have an understanding of the hybrid-runtime, let’s move on to the deployment part.
