Containerd is a cloud-native container runtime used to deploy workloads across an array of platforms.

Hello World example

Now that the container image has been pulled, you can try a few of the commands from the OCI specification. The expected output is shown after each command.

Create and start the container:


            ctr run --runtime io.containerd.hybrid \ test

Check that the container was created:


            ctr c ls

        CONTAINER    IMAGE                                                               RUNTIME
test    io.containerd.hybrid


Check that the container is running:


            ctr t ls

        TASK    PID    STATUS
test    808    RUNNING


The output from the hello-world application running on the Cortex-M can be seen in the AVH GUI by selecting “Cortex-M Console”:

Image Alt Text:Cortex-M output alt-textFigure 1. Cortex-M output

Check the container info using the following command:


            ctr c info test

The output should look something like this:


    "ID": "test",
    "Spec": {
        "ociVersion": "1.1.0-rc.1",
        "linux": {
            "namespaces": [
                    "type": "pid"
                    "type": "ipc"
                    "type": "uts"
                    "type": "mount"
                    "type": "network"
            "maskedPaths": [
            "readonlyPaths": [


Stop the container:


            ctr t kill test

Check that the container has stopped:


            ctr t ls

        TASK    PID    STATUS
test    808    STOPPED


Now, delete the container:


            ctr c rm test

SMARTER Demo firmware

The SMARTER project offers an additional pre-built container image, available on GitHub for the i.MX8M-PLUS-EVK AVH model. The container image contains a FreeRTOS application built using the NXP SDK. It outputs a timestamp to the serial console output of the board. The application also sends the output to the cortexm_console helper application running under Linux on the board.

You can pull the pre-built image onto the AVH model using the following:


            ctr image pull

Now, create and run the container:


            ctr run --runtime io.containerd.hybrid test2

The Cortex-M Console output will now appear as per below:

Image Alt Text:Cortex-M output alt-textFigure 2. Cortex-M output

The output from the Cortex-M is also available under /var/lib/hybrid-runtime/<container_name>/<container_name>.log:


        cat  /var/lib/hybrid-runtime/test2/test2.log
Timestamp: 0
Timestamp: 1
Timestamp: 2
Timestamp: 3
Timestamp: 4
Timestamp: 5
Timestamp: 6
Timestamp: 7
Timestamp: 8
Timestamp: 9
Timestamp: 10


When the container is deleted, the log file will also be removed as shown below:


            ctr t kill test2
ctr c rm test2
cat  /var/lib/hybrid-runtime/test2/test2.log

          cat: /var/lib/hybrid-runtime/test2/test2.log: No such file or directory
