This section shows how you can build the hello world example on your Arm Linux host using a Docker container. Before getting started, you need to install Git, buildx and Docker on your Linux host. Follow the Docker Engine install guide .

Install Git by running the following:


            sudo apt install git

Building the hybrid-runtime

Pull the hybrid runtime GitHub repository:


            git clone

Navigate to the hybrid-runtime/docker directory and build the hybrid-runtime components:


            cd hybrid-runtime/docker
make all

This builds the hybrid-runtime CLI and containerd hybrid-shim.

Navigate to the hybrid_runtime/cortexm_console directory and build the application:


            cd ../cortexm_console
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -o output -f Dockerfile .

You may have to be root to run Docker. Try adding sudo to the beginning of the Docker commands.

This builds the helper application, cortexm_console, that can capture output from a Cortex-M application. The binary is created in the directory.

By default, containerd will look in /usr/local/bin to find the hybrid-runtime components. Therefore, copy the hybrid-runtime components and the cortexm_console application into /usr/local/bin on the AVH model.

Copy the containerd-shim-containerd-hybrid to the board under /usr/local/bin using SCP and the IP address from before.

If you are using a VPN configured setup then you can use SCP directly. For example:


            scp runtime/hybrid-shim/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/containerd-shim-containerd-hybrid root@
scp cortexm_console/output/cortexm_console  root@

Otherwise you can use the information from the Quick Connect section (substituting your particular -J argument). For example:


            scp -J runtime/hybrid-shim/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/containerd-shim-containerd-hybrid root@
scp  -J cortexm_console/output/cortexm_console  root@

You will need to edit the above commands to fit your IP address and paths.

Building the hello-world firmware container image

Pull the runtime GitHub repository:


            git clone

Then run the following:


            cd hybrid-runtime/docker
make image

This should build a docker image with the name

The image.dockerfile file pulls the NXP SDK and builds the hello world example present in the NXP SDK. Finally, the Dockerfile creates a new image, copies the hello world binary into it, sets the entrypoint and adds the correct labels. You can use this Dockerfile to run the example as shown in the section Deploy firmware container using containerd .
