Arm Development Studio provides a library of Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs) to execute (and debug) the example on without the need for any target hardware.

If you have hardware, you may wish to run the example on that. The supplied Cortex-M FVPs are digital twins of the MPS2+ platform, in this case programmed for Cortex-M3 (AN385).

Debug the example project with FVP

The project contains startup_Cortex-M3_AC6_FVP.launch within the project folder. This is a ready-to use debug configuration for the FVP.

  1. Double-click on the .launch file to inspect. Observe settings in various panes, defining the FVP to connect to, the image to be loaded, and other connection options.

  2. Click Debug to start the debug session.


Subsequent debug sessions can be launched directly from the Debug Control pane.

Debug the example project with MPS2+

The project contains startup_Cortex-M3_AC6_MPS2.launch within the project folder.

  1. Double-click on the .launch file to inspect. Observe settings in various panes, defining the MPS2+ configuration to connect to, the image to be loaded, and other connection options.

  2. From the Target Connection pulldown, select the debug adapter used to connect to the target. CMSIS-DAP is an on-board debug adapter that connects via USB, and so no additional hardware is needed.

  3. Click Browse to identify your debug adapter, then click Apply to save.

  4. Click Debug to start the debug session.


Subsequent debug sessions can be launched directly from the Debug Control pane.

You can control execution (step, continue, stop, etc) from the buttons in the Debug Control pane.

The Commands pane reflects all actions done in the GUI. The debugger can also be fully controlled by entering commands in this pane.

Explore the various views to understand how to use the debugger. There are Register, Memory, Stack, Disassembly, and many other views available. To open new views, use Window > Show View menu option, or click the + icon alongside already opened views.

Click the disconnect button in the Debug Control pane (or use quit command) to end the debug session.
