The Raspberry Pi Pico is a low cost microcontroller board with a dual-core Cortex-M0+ processor, RAM, flash, and a variety of I/O options.

The Pico is a low cost board and a good way to get started learning programming for Arm Cortex-M.

The Pico SDK uses the GCC compiler and Cmake to build applications.

Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ development contains more details of C/C++ programming on the Pico.

How do I use the Pico SDK installation script?

The Pico SDK installation script is managed in GitHub and is named

The installation script is designed to run on a Debian-based Linux distribution.

The script checks if you are running on a Raspberry Pi 3, 4, 400, or 5. There will be a warning if not, but the script will continue.

Installation has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 4, Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04.

The script installs additional software using apt install, clones the Pico SDK repositories from GitHub, builds examples, and installs additional tools including VS Code and openocd for debugging.

Download the install script.




On Ubuntu some additional packages are needed. Use the tabs to install extra packages.



sudo apt-get install jq minicom make cmake gdb-multiarch automake autoconf libtool libftdi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config clang-format -y



sudo apt-get install jq minicom make gdb-multiarch automake autoconf libtool libftdi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config clang-format -y
sudo snap install cmake --classic



Nothing more to install!


Use variables to skip the VS Code and UART software installation on Ubuntu.

If desired, VS Code can be installed from the download area instead.

The UART is not needed because a non-Raspberry Pi computer doesn’t have the I/O pins to the connect to the Pico UART.






bash ./


How do I verify that the Pico SDK development tools work?

Before continuing, confirm the required tools are operational.

Source the new .bashrc file as new variables are added by the Pico SDK.


source ~/.bashrc


There are four added variables. Display them with the env command.


env | grep PICO


Here is the output.




Each tool should run and return a message about the version installed.


arm-none-eabi-gcc --version


gdb-multiarch --version


cmake --version


openocd --version


How do I install the Pico SDK on other operating systems?

If you are not using Linux there are instructions included in the Getting Started guide referenced above. Instructions are available for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS.
