Run an example

Navigate to the evaluation kit repository.


cd ml-embedded-evaluation-kit/


The built examples (.axf files) will be located in a cmake-*/bin folder based on the build configuration used.

Navigate into that folder, and list the images. For example:


cd cmake-build-mps4-sse-320-ethos-u85-256-gnu/bin/
ls *.axf


Use -a to specify the application to load to the FVP.

Use -C mps4_board.subsystem.ethosu.num_macs to configure the Ethos-U component of the model.


The number of NPU MACs specified in the build MUST match the number specified in the FVP. Else an error similar to the below will be emitted.


E: NPU config mismatch. npu.macs_per_cc=E: NPU config mismatch..


You can list all available parameters by running the FVP executable with the --list-params option, for example:


FVP_Corstone_SSE-320 --list-params > parameters.txt


Run the application


FVP_Corstone_SSE-320								\
    -C mps4_board.subsystem.ethosu.num_macs=256			\
    -C mps4_board.visualisation.disable-visualisation=1	\
    -C vis_hdlcd.disable_visualisation=1				\
    -a ethos-u-kws.axf


If adding configuration options becomes cumbersome, it can be easier to specify them in a configuration file (remove the -C option) and then use that on the command line (-f).





The command line becomes:


FVP_Corstone_SSE-320 -f config.txt -a ethos-u-kws.axf


The application executes and identifies words spoken within audio files.

Repeat with any of the other built applications.

Full instructions are provided in the evaluation kit documentation .

Addendum: Speed up FVP execution

By default, the examples are built with Ethos-U timing enabled. This provides benchmarking information, but the result is that the FVP executes relatively slowly.

The build system has a macro -DETHOS_U_NPU_TIMING_ADAPTER_ENABLED defined to control this.

Modify the command passes to cmake to include this setting (OFF). Search for cmake_command and modify as follows:


cmake_command = (
    f"{cmake_path} -B {build_dir} -DTARGET_PLATFORM={target_platform}"
    f" -DTARGET_SUBSYSTEM={target_subsystem}"
    f" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={cmake_toolchain_file}"
    f" -DETHOS_U_NPU_ID={ethos_u_cfg.processor_id}"
    f" -DETHOS_U_NPU_CONFIG_ID={ethos_u_cfg.config_id}"


Rebuild the applications as before, for example:


./ --npu-config-name ethos-u85-256 --toolchain gnu --make-jobs 8


Add additional configuration option (mps4_board.subsystem.ethosu.extra_args) to the FVP command line:





Run the application again, and notice how much faster execution completes.


FVP_Corstone_SSE-320 -f config.txt -a ethos-u-kws.axf


Do not use fast execution mode whilst benchmarking performance.
