In this section you will learn alternative ways to build the development environment and compile with a different compiler, on Arm hardware.

The changes you made in main.cpp and CMakeLists.txt in Application porting stay the same when running on actual Arm hardware.

Arm hardware

The following Arm hardware has been selected due to their high availability.

  • Remote hardware
  • Physical hardware

AWS EC2 with Graviton processors

AWS EC2 instances with Graviton processors use the aarch64 architecture. Graviton2 and Graviton3 have different vector engine technologies.

  • Graviton2 (c6g.medium)
    • Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS,
    • 16GB storage (default is 8GB)
    • Arm Neoverse N1
      • 2 x NEON engine 128b vector width
  • Graviton3 (c7g.medium)
    • Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
    • 16GB storage (default is 8GB)
    • Arm Neoverse V1
      • 2 x SVE engine 256b vector width (4 x NEON engine 128b vector width support)

For more information on Graviton, refer to Getting Started with AWS and the AWS Graviton Technical Guide .

Create a Graviton instance and connect using ssh with the -X option to allow for display forwarding.

Replace INSERT_KEY_PEM_FILE and INSERT_GRAVITON_INSTANCE_IP_ADDRESS with your SSH key and public IP address:




Install Docker Engine on the EC2 instance.

Raspberry Pi 4

The Raspberry Pi is setup just like a normal desktop computer and the following is assumed:

  • Running Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)
  • Docker is installed
  • MicroSD card inserted
  • Display, mouse and keyboard connected
  • Internet connection

Refer to Get started with the Raspberry Pi 4 for more information about using the Raspberry Pi 4 for software development, including how to install Docker engine.

Development environment and application porting

Use the same Dockerfile as before, see Development environment .

You can build the development environment natively on Arm using docker build instead of docker buildx.

To build the GCC development environment, run the following command:


docker build -t sobel_gcc_example .


Run the container:


docker run --rm -ti --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/ubuntu/.Xauthority sobel_gcc_example


Follow the same steps to port the application as described in Application porting to build and run the application.


In addition to the GCC development environment, you can also use Arm Compiler for Linux ( ACfL ).

Pull the development container from the armswdev repository and rename it sobel_acfl_example:


docker pull armswdev/arm-compiler-for-linux
docker tag armswdev/arm-compiler-for-linux sobel_acfl_example


Run the container:


docker run --rm -ti --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/ubuntu/.Xauthority sobel_acfl_example


The container doesn’t have OpenCV.

Install OpenCV by running the command:


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-dev


Follow the same steps to port the application as described in Application porting .

To use Arm Compiler for Linux you need to change the compiler in CMakeLists.txt as shown below:


        set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "/opt/arm/arm-linux-compiler-23.04_Generic-AArch64_Ubuntu-22.04_aarch64-linux/bin/armclang")
set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/opt/arm/arm-linux-compiler-23.04_Generic-AArch64_Ubuntu-22.04_aarch64-linux/bin/armclang++")


Make the changes by running the following command:


sed -i "6i set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER\ \"/opt/arm/arm-linux-compiler-23.04_Ubuntu-22.04/bin/armclang\")" src/CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "7i set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER\ \"/opt/arm/arm-linux-compiler-23.04_Ubuntu-22.04/bin/armclang++\")\n" src/CMakeLists.txt


Application compilation and execution

Compile and run the application:


cmake -S src -B build
cd build/



The output is the same as when running using QEMU. A noticeable difference compared to QEMU is that the SIMD implementation runs faster, which is expected. QEMU should not be used for performance measurement purposes.

In the results presented below, a value >1 is faster and a value <1 is slower in comparison to the normalized value. In short, higher values are better.


CompilerGCC 12.2.0ACfL 22.1GCC 12.2.0ACfL 22.1

The results in the table above have been normalized to the Graviton2 Non-SIMD value, giving the relative speed-up.

You observe the following:

  • Graviton3 runs the Sobel filter workload faster than Graviton2
  • ACfL performs slightly better than GCC for the SIMD implementation of the Sobel filter

Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4
CompilerGCC 11.3.0ACfL 22.1

The results in the table above have been normalized to the Raspberry Pi 4 Non-SIMD value, giving the relative speed-up.

You observe the following:

  • ACfL performs slightly better than GCC for the SIMD implementation of the Sobel filter