Run and evaluate

It is straight forward to compile and run the application, run the commands below:


cmake -S src -B build
cd build/


A successful run will output execution time measurement results in microseconds in the terminal for the three implementations, and open four windows showing (as seen below) of the original, non-SIMD, SIMD and OpenCV images of a butterfly.

Image Alt Text:Sobel filter

In the results presented below, a value >1 is faster and a value <1 is slower in comparison to the normalized value. In short, higher values are better.

CompilerGCC 11.3.0

The results in the table above have been normalized to the QEMU Non-SIMD value, giving the relative speed-up.

You observe the following:

  • the non-SIMD implementation is the fastest but does not reflect the performance on an aarch64 system

Emulation does not give a representative view of how efficiently the algorithms run on Arm, it is only useful for functional purposes, not to measure performance

Closing notes

You have now ported an x86_64 application to aarch64, built and run the ported application on aarch64 using emulation, well done!

Continue to the next section to evaluate application performance on Arm hardware.
