So far, everything has been at the most privileged EL3 exception level, which the processor starts in at reset.

In general, you would want your application code to run at a lower level so that it cannot corrupt system settings, maliciously or otherwise.

Switching between levels is performed by the ERET exception return instruction.

Changing exception levels

Extend the example to make use of EL1.

Create startup_el1.s as below. The el1_entry function will be the EL1 entry point, and this function will call our application code starting from __main().



	.section  EL1_ENTRY,"ax"
	.global el1_entry
	.type el1_entry, "function"

	LDR		x0, =vectors
	MSR		VBAR_EL1, x0	// Set EL1 Vector Table

	MOV		x0, #(0x3 << 20)
	MSR		CPACR_EL1, x0	// Disable instruction traps for EL1

	.global  __main
	B        __main


Modify EL3 initialization

You will also need to modify the EL3 initialization from before:

  • Create an EL3 stack (as __main will now be called in EL1)
  • Disable timer exceptions at EL3
  • Execute any privileged code (gicInit)
  • Set EL1 execution state to be Aarch64 (before entering EL1)
  • Switch to EL1 level

EL3 stack

Create a new execution region STACK_EL3 in the scatter file for the EL3 stack.


	STACK_EL3 0x04020000 EMPTY 0x10000{}


The linker will generate a symbol Image$$STACK_EL3$$ZI$$Limit which can be referenced in code as follows:



	// Set EL3 Stack pointer
	ADRP x0, Image$$STACK_EL3$$ZI$$Limit
	MOV  sp, x0



In the code to set up SCR_EL3 , set the ST bit to disable timer exceptions, and the RW bit so that EL1 executes in Aarch64 state.

Also, remove the code to set the FIQ bit, as you now want to trap this exception in EL1.



	// Configure SCR_EL3
	MOV  w1, #0
	ORR  w1, w1, #(1 << 11)  // set ST bit (disable trapping of timer control registers)
	ORR  w1, w1, #(1 << 10)  // set RW bit (next lower EL in aarch64)
	MSR  SCR_EL3, x1


Perform other EL3 tasks

The code to initialize the GIC must be executed in EL3. Call gicInit() function before leaving EL3. This function sets the NS bit in SCR_EL3. Clear it here to avoid issues with security settings , which is beyond the scope of this article.



// Initialize GIC
	BL	gicInit
	MRS      x1, SCR_EL3
	BIC      x1, x1, #1  // Clear NS bit
	MSR      SCR_EL3, x1


Remove the call to gicInit() from your main() function.



  // gicInit();


Switch to EL1

Rather than branching to __main, the EL3 reset handler must instead perform an exception return (ERET) to EL1. Set this up by configuring the appropriate registers:



// Switch to EL1
	MSR		SCTLR_EL1, xzr	// Initialize state of EL1

	MOV		x1, #0x5
	MSR		SPSR_EL3,x1		// Set return level to EL1

	LDR		x0, =el1_entry
	MSR		ELR_EL3, x0		// Set return address to EL1 entry point

	ISB						// Ensure all above fully executes before...
	ERET					// Returning to EL1


Delete the call to __main() in EL3.


	.global  __main
	B        __main


Save your startup_el3.s file.


The complete source for this file is provided as an appendix below for reference.

Build and run the example

You are now ready to rebuild the complete example as before:


armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi startup_el3.s
armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi startup_el1.s
armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi uart.c
armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi vectors.s
armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi gic.s
armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi timer.s
armclang -c -g --target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi hello.c
armlink --scatter=scatter.txt --entry=el3_entry startup_el3.o startup_el1.o uart.o vectors.o gic.o timer.o hello.o -o hello.axf


FVP_Base_AEMvA -C bp.refcounter.non_arch_start_at_default=1 -a hello.axf


The output is the same as before, though the exception level the code executes in is different.


        Hello World!
Waiting for interrupt...
Interrupt 29 occurred
Returned from interrupt!
In _sys_exit. Use Ctrl+C to quit.





.section  BOOT,"ax"   // Define an executable ELF section, BOOT
	.global el3_entry
	.type el3_entry, "function"

	MRS      x0, MPIDR_EL1		// Read Affinity register
	AND      x0, x0, #0xFFFF	// Mask off Aff0/Aff1 fields
	CBZ      x0, boot			// Branch to boot if Aff0/Aff1 are zero (Core 0 of Cluster 0)
sleep:							// Else put processor to sleep
	B        sleep

	// Set EL3 Stack pointer
	ADRP x0, Image$$STACK_EL3$$ZI$$Limit
	MOV  sp, x0
	// Clear all trap bits
	MSR      CPTR_EL3, xzr
	// Configure SCR_EL3
	MOV  w1, #0
	ORR  w1, w1, #(1 << 11)		// set ST bit (disable trapping of timer control registers)
	ORR  w1, w1, #(1 << 10)		// set RW bit (next lower EL in aarch64)
	MSR  SCR_EL3, x1
	// Install vector table
	.global vectors
	LDR  x0, =vectors
	MSR  VBAR_EL3, x0
	// Clear interrupt masks
	MSR  DAIFClr, #0xF
	// Initialize GIC
	BL	gicInit
	MRS      x1, SCR_EL3
	BIC      x1, x1, #1		// Clear NS bit
	MSR      SCR_EL3, x1

	// Switch to EL1
	MSR		SCTLR_EL1, xzr	// Initialize state of EL1

	MOV		x1, #0x5
	MSR		SPSR_EL3,x1		// Set return level to EL1

	LDR		x0, =el1_entry
	MSR		ELR_EL3, x0		// Set return address to EL1 entry point

	ISB						// Ensure all above fully executes before...
	ERET					// Returning to EL1
