Embedded systems typically monitor inputs waiting for an event, which then triggers a response by the system. You need to write code that listens for these events and acts on them. With Armv8-A, enable asynchronous exceptions (IRQs, FIQs, and SErrors) which are taken when the processor needs to handle an event outside to the current flow of execution.

For example, a thermostat might monitor room temperature until it drops below a specified threshold. When the threshold is reached, the system must turn on the heating system.

Configure exception routing to EL3

This example will implement an FIQ. When this occurs, it will go to the highest exception level, EL3.

Modify startup_el3.s to extend the boot code to perform the following, before branching to __main.

Enable exception routing to EL3

Configure the SCR_EL3, Secure Configuration Register to route FIQ exceptions to EL3.



// Configure SCR_EL3
	MOV  w1, #0
	ORR  w1, w1, #(1 << 2)   // Set FIQ bit (FIQs routed to EL3)
	MSR  SCR_EL3, x1


Point to the exception vector table

Set the VBAR_EL3, Vector Based Address Register to the location of the exception vector table. You will create vectors in the next section.



// Install vector table
	.global vectors
	LDR  x0, =vectors
	MSR  VBAR_EL3, x0


Disable masking of exceptions at EL3 by PSTATE

Clear appropriate bits within DAIF, Interrupt Mask Bits .



// Clear interrupt masks
	MSR  DAIFClr, #0xF


Save your startup_el3.s file.

Create exception vector table

The exception vector table tells the processor what code to run in the event of an exception. The format of this table is fixed and architecturally defined.

Create vectors.s containing the following code.


You will implement only the necessary FIQ exception for this example. A real system would need to implement all handlers.



	.section VECTORS,"ax"
    .global vectors
	.balign 0x800
	.space 0x100, 0x0		// Current EL with SP0
	B	fiqFirstLevelHandler
	.balign 0x80
	.space 0x80, 0x0

	.space 0x100, 0x0		// Current EL with SPx
	B	fiqFirstLevelHandler
	.balign 0x80
	.space 0x80, 0x0

	.space 0x100, 0x0		// Lower EL using AArch64
	B	fiqFirstLevelHandler
	.balign 0x80
	.space 0x80, 0x0

	.space 0x200, 0x0		// Lower EL using AArch32


Create first level FIQ Handler

Each exception has a window of 0x80 bytes in the vector table area to use for its code. In this case you will simply branch to fiqFirstLevelHandler, which preserves all registers, before calling fiqHandler() (which shall be implemented later).

When fiqHandler() returns, undo the register preservation, before returning to where the code was before the exception occurred, using the ERET instruction.

Add the following to your vectors.s:



	.global fiqHandler
	STP	x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	x18, x19, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	x16, x17, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	x14, x15, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	x12, x13, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	x10, x11, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	 x8,  x9, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	 x6,  x7, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	 x4,  x5, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	 x2,  x3, [sp, #-16]!
	STP	 x0,  x1, [sp, #-16]!
	BL	fiqHandler
	LDP	 x0,  x1, [sp], #16
	LDP	 x2,  x3, [sp], #16
	LDP	 x4,  x5, [sp], #16
	LDP	 x6,  x7, [sp], #16
	LDP	 x8,  x9, [sp], #16
	LDP	x10, x11, [sp], #16
	LDP	x12, x13, [sp], #16
	LDP	x14, x15, [sp], #16
	LDP	x16, x17, [sp], #16
	LDP	x18, x19, [sp], #16
	LDP	x29, x30, [sp], #16

