Implement an example Virtual Peripheral with Arm Virtual Hardware

Arm Virtual Hardware (AVH) supports Virtual Interfaces which can be used to simulate real world peripherals and stimuli.

Before you begin

Launch the Arm Virtual Hardware AMI in your AWS account. For full instructions refer to the Arm Virtual Hardware install guide .

The example used here makes use of the Tkinter Python interface to Tcl/Tk, and can be installed in the AVH terminal with:


sudo apt install -y python3-tk


Clone the repository:

In your AVH terminal, clone the example project repository, and navigate into the leds_example directory.


git clone
cd AVH-Virtual-Peripherals/leds_example


Build and run the example

A makefile is provided to build the example project. To build the example:




You can now run the executable on the AVH FVP by executing the following script:




You can interact with the Virtual LEDs. If they are not displayed you may need to implement a VNC connection to the AVH instance.

Understand the example

The Virtual Hardware is launched with the -V option which specifies the python implementation of the peripheral.

The python scripts implement the VIO Python interface to communicate with the Virtual Hardware application.

In the application, signals are passed via the VIO API to/from the virtual peripheral.
