
If using Keil μVision, go to Setting up a Project in Keil MDK (μVision) .

Create a new project (csolution)

Keil Studio projects are based on the CMSIS Solution standard.

Open the VS Code IDE, and select File > New File from the File menu. (Ctrl+Alt+Windows+N). You will be prompted for the type of file. Select New Solution (Arm CMSIS Solution).

The Create New Solution window will open. Click the Target Device pulldown, and search for ARMCM4.

From the Templates, Reference Applications, and Examples pulldown, select Blank Solution.

Ensure Arm Compiler 6 is the selected compiler.

Enter an appropriate Solution Name. This will define the folder name that the project will be created into. You can also change the folder location if necessary.

Click Create. You will be prompted to open the solution in the current window, or open a new window.

Configure solution environment

VS Code allows complete configurability of all aspects of the project.

Locate vcpkg-configuration.json within the project. This file defines the components used.

Right-click on this file, and select Configure Arm Tools Environment to open the configuration panel.

From the various pull-downs, ensure that the most up to date versions of the following are selected:

  • Arm CMSIS-Toolbox
  • Arm Compiler for Embedded
  • Arm Debugger
  • Arm Virtual Hardware for Cortex-M based on Fast Models
  • Kitware’s cmake tool
  • Ninja Build

Others can be set as None as they are not needed for this example.

If you open vcpkg-configuration.json in the text editor you will see these set as selected. Close the file to save.

All necessary components will be downloaded and installed as necessary (if not already installed).

Configure CMSIS options

Select CMSIS from the Extensions icon list. You will see the project structure.

Move cursor over the top-level Project, and click on Manage Software Components. This is the view to add CMSIS Software Packs to your project.

Select CMSIS > Core and Device > Startup (these are likely selected by default).

Close this view to save.

Configure debug with the FVP

Select Run and Debug from the Extensions icon list.

Click the gear icon to open launch.json. This is the file that defines the debug instance.

Right-click on launch.json and select Open Run and Debug Configuration.

From the Selected Configuration pull-down, select New Configuration > Launch FVP. Edit the Configuration Name if desired.

From the Target > Configuration Database Entry pull-down, select MPS2_Cortex_M4 > Cortex-M4.

Other fields can be left as default. Close the file to save. Observe that launch.json has been updated.

Configure scatter file

Return to the CMSIS extension. The project is configured to use the ARMCM4_ac6.sct file as the scatter description file.

Click the file to create it with the following:


LR_IROM1 0x00000000 0x00040000  {    ; load region size_region
    ER_IROM1 0x00000000 0x00040000  {  ; load address = execution address
        *.o (RESET, +First)
        .ANY (+RO)
        .ANY (+XO)
    RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00020000  {  ; RW data
        .ANY (+RW +ZI)
    ARM_LIB_STACK 0x20020000 EMPTY 0x4000 {}


Close to save.


The project automatically creates main.c within the Source Files group. We will modify this in the Writing assembly functions section.


Next button below goes to μVision settings. Go to Writing assembly functions to skip this section.
