Create MDK Project

The first thing to do is set up a new project. Go to ‘Project’ > ‘New μVision Project’.

Select an appropriate place and name for the project.

Configure CMSIS options

A window will show up requesting you to select the target device for the project. Use the Search to locate ARMCM4. Select and click OK.

You will next be prompted to select software components that you wish to include in your project. Select CMSIS > Core and Device > Startup. Click OK.

Configure the FVP

Click the Options for target icon.

In the Debug tab, select Models Cortex-M Debugger. Click Settings, and browse for the FVP provided with MDK in the Command pane.




MDK versions 5.37 and earlier will find the FVP at:


In 5.38 and 5.39 the FVP is installed at:


In 5.40 and later the FVP is installed at:


Configure build settings

In the C/C++ tab, set the Optimization level to -O1.

In the Linker tab, deselect Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog. and a Scatter File will be created.

Click the Edit button to open in the background.

Click OK to save all Options.

In this scatter file, add a region ARM_LIB_STACK. The C library initialization code will initialize the stack at the top of this region.


LR_IROM1 0x00000000 0x00040000  {    ; load region size_region
    ER_IROM1 0x00000000 0x00040000  {  ; load address = execution address
        *.o (RESET, +First)
        .ANY (+RO)
        .ANY (+XO)
    RW_IRAM1 0x20000000 0x00020000  {  ; RW data
        .ANY (+RW +ZI)
    ARM_LIB_STACK 0x20020000 EMPTY 0x4000 {}


Rename Project items (optional)

Rename Target 1 and Source Group 1 to more meaningful names, via the Project > Manage... > Project Items menu.

Basic functionality

New C source file

Right-click Source Group 1 and select Add New Item. Select C file (.c).


Save all files, and click the Build button (F7).


Click the Debug button (Ctrl+F5) to load the example to the FVP. The code will stop at main().
