Deploy a Windows on Arm virtual machine on Microsoft Azure

You will learn how to create a Windows on Arm virtual machine in the Azure cloud.


These same instructions can be used to deploy a Linux image on the Arm Virtual Machine. Simply select a Linux distribution instead of Windows.

Create Windows on Arm virtual machine

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform. You can log into Azure using either your personal subsciption or your organization’s subscription.

Start by locating Virtual Machines from the list of Azure Services, then click Create > Azure virtual machine.

You will be presented with the Create a virtual machine dialog. On this dialog, first select your Subscription and Resource group. Then, enter a Virtual Machine name and select the Region in which you want to create your Windows on Arm Virtual machine.

Next, for VM Architecture select Arm64.

Then click on See all images (under Image) and filter Image Type for Arm64 as show in the image below:

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You will be presented with all the VM images that are available for Arm. Select Windows 11 Professional - Arm64 from the drop-down menu under Microsoft Windows 11 as shown below.

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You will then be returned to the Create a virtual machine dialog screen with your selections. Change the Security type setting to Standard.

Under the Administrator account section enter a Username and Password in the fields provided. You will use these credentials to access your Windows virtual machine.

In the Inbound port rules section of the dialog, select Allow selected ports and choose RDP (3389) from the drop-down menu.

Finally, under the Licensing section you will need to confirm that you have an eligible Windows 10/11 license with multi-tenant hosting rights. To learn more about the licensing before you select this checkbox read this documentation .

Leaving other settings as default, click Review + create.

All your selections will be validated and you can click Create to launch your Windows on Arm virtual machine.

Once the deployment of your virtual machine is complete, click on Go to Resource. From here you will be able to view the Public IP address of your virtual machine which you will use in the next step to connect to your VM instance.

Connect to your Windows on Arm VM

On your local host PC, launch the Remote Desktop Connection application.

Enter the Public IP Address of the Windows VM as the Computer to be connected to.

Next, username (set earlier while creating the VM instance), and when prompted the password, and you will connect.

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You can now interact with the VM in the same way as you would a local desktop.

If you have issues connecting to your instance, see this Microsoft article:

Explore your VM

Open Control Panel > System, and verify that Device > System Type identifies as an Arm-based processor.

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