About this Learning Path

Who is this for?

This is an introductory topic for software developers who want to use Remote.It to establish private network connections between users and devices or devices to device.

What will you learn?

Upon completion of this learning path, you will be able to:

  • Install Remote.It on target devices (devices you would like to access remotely)
  • Access your Remote.It enabled devices from anywhere
  • Understand the different types of network connections (proxy vs. Peer to peer)


Before starting, you will need the following:

  • A Windows, macOS, or Linux computer which you will use to configure your devices as well as connect to your remote devices.
  • A device/computer to which you would like remote access. A device can be a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer including development kits such as Raspberry Pi or cloud-hosted such as within Arm Virtual Hardware or within AWS. You will need a method to control this device before Remote.It is deployed which can be local access or access via another remote connectivity solution (Remote Desktop, VPN, etc.)
  • Determine if your device that you would like to access remotely also needs to make connections to other Remote.It devices.