You can now use the optimized model in the Android application you developed earlier.

Start by modifying the activity_main.xml by adding a CheckBox to use the optimized model:


            <!-- CheckBox to use optimised model -->
    android:text="Use optimised model?"

Copy the optimized model to the assets folder in the Android project.

Replace the code in MainActivity.kt Kotlin file with the following code:


            package com.arm.armpytorchmnistinference

import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.CheckBox
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.activity.enableEdgeToEdge
import org.pytorch.IValue
import org.pytorch.Module
import org.pytorch.Tensor
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.system.measureNanoTime

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var imageView: ImageView
    private lateinit var trueLabel: TextView
    private lateinit var selectImageButton: Button
    private lateinit var runInferenceButton: Button
    private lateinit var predictedLabel: TextView
    private lateinit var inferenceTime: TextView
    private lateinit var model: Module
    private lateinit var checkboxOptimizedModel: CheckBox  // Add CheckBox for switching models
    private var currentBitmap: Bitmap? = null
    private var currentTrueLabel: Int? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Initialize UI elements
        imageView = findViewById(
        trueLabel = findViewById(
        selectImageButton = findViewById(
        runInferenceButton = findViewById(
        predictedLabel = findViewById(
        inferenceTime = findViewById(
        checkboxOptimizedModel = findViewById(

        // Initially load the appropriate model based on the CheckBox state

        // Set up button click listener for selecting random image
        selectImageButton.setOnClickListener {

        // Set up button click listener for running inference
        runInferenceButton.setOnClickListener {
            currentBitmap?.let { bitmap ->

        // Set up listener for checkbox to switch models dynamically
        checkboxOptimizedModel.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, _ ->
            loadModel()  // Reload the model when checkbox state changes

    // Load the appropriate model based on the CheckBox state
    private fun loadModel() {
        try {
            model = if (checkboxOptimizedModel.isChecked) {
                // Load the optimized model
            } else {
                // Load the original model
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            trueLabel.text = "Error loading model"

    private fun selectRandomImageFromAssets() {
        try {
            // Get list of files in the mnist_bitmaps folder
            val assetManager = assets
            val files = assetManager.list("mnist_bitmaps") ?: arrayOf()

            if (files.isEmpty()) {
                trueLabel.text = "No images found in assets/mnist_bitmaps"

            // Select a random file from the list
            val randomFile = files[Random.nextInt(files.size)]
            val inputStream: InputStream ="mnist_bitmaps/$randomFile")
            val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream)

            // Extract the true label from the filename (e.g., 07_00.png -> true label is 7)
            currentTrueLabel = randomFile.split("_")[0].toInt()

            // Display the image and its true label
            trueLabel.text = "True Label: $currentTrueLabel"

            // Set the current bitmap for inference
            currentBitmap = bitmap
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            trueLabel.text = "Error loading image from assets"

    // Method to convert a grayscale bitmap to a float array and create a tensor with shape [1, 1, 28, 28]
    private fun createTensorFromBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap): Tensor {
        // Ensure the bitmap is in the correct format (grayscale) and dimensions [28, 28]
        if (bitmap.width != 28 || bitmap.height != 28) {
            throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected bitmap of size [28, 28], but got [${bitmap.width}, ${bitmap.height}]")

        // Convert the grayscale bitmap to a float array
        val width = bitmap.width
        val height = bitmap.height
        val floatArray = FloatArray(width * height)
        val pixels = IntArray(width * height)
        bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height)

        for (i in pixels.indices) {
            // Normalize pixel values to [0, 1] range, assuming the grayscale image stores values in the R channel
            floatArray[i] = (pixels[i] and 0xFF) / 255.0f

        // Create a tensor with shape [1, 1, 28, 28] (batch size, channels, height, width)
        return Tensor.fromBlob(floatArray, longArrayOf(1, 1, height.toLong(), width.toLong()))

    private fun runInference(bitmap: Bitmap, N: Int = 100) {
        // Convert bitmap to a float array and create a tensor with shape [1, 1, 28, 28]
        val inputTensor = createTensorFromBitmap(bitmap)

        // Run inference and measure time
        val inferenceTimeMicros = measureTimeMicros {
            var maxIndex = 0
            var scores: FloatArray = FloatArray(10)

            // Run inference N times
            for (i in 1..N) {
                // Forward pass through the model
                val outputTensor = model.forward(IValue.from(inputTensor)).toTensor()
                scores = outputTensor.dataAsFloatArray

            // Get the index of the class with the highest score
            maxIndex = scores.indices.maxByOrNull { scores[it] } ?: -1

            predictedLabel.text = "Predicted Label: $maxIndex"

        // Update inference time TextView in microseconds
        inferenceTime.text = "Inference Time: $inferenceTimeMicros µs"

    // Method to measure execution time in microseconds
    private inline fun measureTimeMicros(block: () -> Unit): Long {
        val time = measureNanoTime(block)
        return time / 1000 // Convert nanoseconds to microseconds

    // Helper function to get the file path from assets
    private fun assetFilePath(assetName: String): String {
        val file = File(filesDir, assetName) { inputStream ->
            FileOutputStream(file).use { outputStream ->
                val buffer = ByteArray(4 * 1024)
                var read: Int
                while ( { read = it } != -1) {
                    outputStream.write(buffer, 0, read)
        return file.absolutePath

The updated version of the Android application includes modifications to the Android Activity source code to dynamically load the model based on the state of the CheckBox.

When the CheckBox is selected, the app loads the optimized model, which is quantized and fused for improved performance.

If the CheckBox is not selected, the app loads the original model.

After the model is loaded, the inference is run. To better estimate the execution time, the runInference() method executes the inference 100 times in a loop. This provides a more reliable measure of the average inference time by smoothing out any inconsistencies from single executions.

The results for a run on a physical device are shown below. These results indicate that, on average, the optimized model reduced the inference time to about 65% of the original model’s execution time, which demonstrates a significant improvement in performance.

This optimization showcases the benefits of quantization and layer fusion for mobile inference, and there is further potential for enhancement by enabling hardware acceleration on supported devices.

This would allow the model to take full advantage of the device’s computational capabilities, potentially further reducing the inference time.

Image Alt Text:fig alt-textFigure 9.

Image Alt Text:fig alt-textFigure 10.

What have you learned?

You have successfully optimized a neural network model for mobile inference using quantization and layer fusion.

Quantization and layer fusion removes unnecessary elements such as dropout layers during inference.

By running multiple iterations of the inference process, you learned that the optimized model significantly reduced the average inference time to around 65% of the original time.

You also learned that there is potential for further performance improvements by leveraging hardware acceleration.
