About this Learning Path

Who is this for?

This is an advanced topic for software developers interested in learning how to use PyTorch to create and train a feedforward neural network for digit classification. You will also learn how to use the trained model in an Android application. Finally, you will apply model optimizations.

What will you learn?

Upon completion of this learning path, you will be able to:

  • Prepare a PyTorch development environment.
  • Download and prepare the MNIST dataset.
  • Create a neural network architecture using PyTorch.
  • Train a neural network using PyTorch.
  • Create an Android app and loading the pre-trained model.
  • Prepare an input dataset.
  • Measure the inference time.
  • Optimize a neural network architecture using quantization and fusing.
  • Use an optimized model in the Android application.


Before starting, you will need the following:

  • A computer that can run Python3, Visual Studio Code, and Android Studio. The OS can be Windows, Linux, or macOS.