Arm Trusted Firmware provides a reference implementation of Platform Security Architecture (PSA). Reference implementations are available for a number of platforms .

This Learning Path uses the Corstone-1000 platform.

The software stack can be executed on the Corstone-1000 Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) and the MPS3 FPGA prototyping board.

Corstone-1000 FVP

You can access the FVP with Arm Virtual Hardware . Setup instructions are given in the Arm Virtual Hardware install guide .

The Corstone-1000 FVP is also available from the Arm Ecosystem FVP page. Setup instructions are given in the install guide . Use this for a local development environment. Linux (AArch64 and x86) and Windows (x86 only) hosts are supported.

MPS3 FPGA prototyping board

You can also use MPS3 FPGA Prototyping Board programmed with AN550 .

The image requires the QSPI Flash Module to be installed. Refer to section 8.2 of the AN550 documentation .
