In the previous example, a node is represented by a simple struct of only 20 bytes for the buffer, plus 8 more bytes for the 64-bit pointer next.

Typically, the compiler will try to enforce 64-bit (8-byte) or 16-byte alignment when allocating objects.

To learn about cache alignment, you can enforce larger alignment and see if it has any impact on performance.

Make the following changes to the node struct and init_alloc in the memory-latency2.c file:


typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) node {
    char buffer[24];
    struct node *next;
} node_t;


static void init_alloc() {
    if (start_ == NULL) {
        int rc = posix_memalign(&start_, 64, SIMPLE_ALLOCATOR_SIZE);
        if (rc != 0) {
            printf("Error allocating %ld bytes for allocator!", SIMPLE_ALLOCATOR_SIZE);


Here is a summary of the changes:

  • Align the allocator to start from a 64-byte address using posix_memalign. This is because most CPUs have a 64 byte cache line size.
  • Use __attribute__((packed)) in the struct definition so that it takes the smallest possible space in memory.
  • Re-order the buffer and pointer elements of the struct. This helps memcpy() later in new_node to copy to an aligned buffer.
  • Increase the buffer size to 24 so that the node struct is exactly 32 bytes long.

As before, compile the new file:


gcc -O3 -o memory-latency2 memory-latency2.c -Wall


Run the application:




The output will print the time taken to run the application:


        1000000 Nodes creation took 4092 us


Your results may be slightly different, but this example shows a 31% performance increase. The increase is due to better alignment of the allocated buffer and the alignment of the objects that simple_alloc() returns.

Furthermore, memcpy() operating on aligned buffers also improves performance.

When is memory alignment important?

Memory alignment is important for algorithms that are memory-bound (when the CPU is mostly waiting for data to arrive from memory rather than processing data).

To demonstrate decreased performance, make a change to node structure as shown below:


typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) node {
    char pad;
    struct node *next;
    char pad2;
    char buffer[24];
} node_t;


The same elements exist in the struct, with the same sizes. However, a single byte of padding is added to both next and buffer.

Because of the packed attribute, the compiler honors this restriction and is forced to use these elements with an offset of 1 and 10 bytes respectively.

Compile and run again:


gcc -O3 -o memory-latency2 memory-latency2.c -Wall


The output shows that the program takes longer than the previous version.


        1000000 Nodes creation took 5575 us


Poor memory alignment has a negative impact on performance. The code is now 36% slower than the previous version.

This was an easy example, but there are plenty of opportunities to optimize code using memory alignment.

The next section shows another way to reduce memory latency, cache prefetching.

To get ready, remove the padding fields from the node structure so it reverts back to the best performance.
