You can use containers to create portable workloads which run on your local computer, on physical and virtual servers, on public cloud infrastructure, and on embedded devices. A computer’s instruction set impacts container creation. This Learning Path provides a short introduction to Docker followed by information about how to build, run and share Docker images for the Arm architecture.

Before you begin

You can use any computer running Docker to complete this topic.

To confirm that Docker is installed correctly run the following command:


docker run hello-world


If Docker is installed and working correctly you see the following message:


        Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.


Note: If you do not see the message above, go to Installing Docker and follow the instructions to complete the installation.

The sections describe how to:

  • Build a Docker image
  • Run a Docker container
  • Display local Docker images
  • Save and share a Docker image

Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile

To build a Docker image:

  1. Navigate to an empty directory and use a text editor to copy the two lines below into a file named Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:latest
CMD echo -n "Architecture is " && uname -m

  1. Build the Docker image with the docker build command. For example:

docker build -t uname  .


Note: The -t argument is the tag, a human-readable name for the final image. The . specifies the PATH to find the files for the build.

Create a container from a Docker image

To create a container from the image enter the command:


docker run --rm uname 


This command displays the architecture.

The output depends on the operating system and architecture of your computer. The following table shows the most common values.

Operating System and ArchitectureConsole Output
Any OS on Intel or AMDArchitecture is x64_86
Linux on Arm 64-bitArchitecture is aarch64
Linux on Arm 32-bitArchitecture is armv7l
macOS on Apple SiliconArchitecture is arm64

Display local Docker images

The docker images command lists all the images available on your computer. Docker image names have the form: repository/image-name:tag

Run the docker images command to see the list of images:


docker images


The output is similar to this example:


        REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED      SIZE
uname        latest    f0a8125a81d3   5 days ago   69.2MB


This example shows the image name is uname and the tag is latest. If you do not specify a tag name, latest is the default value.

Save and share a Docker image

You can save and share Docker images in repositories. The most common repository is Docker Hub . Repositories are also available from software providers and cloud service providers.

Before saving the image to Docker Hub:

  1. Create an account on Docker Hub and note your username and password.

  2. Use the docker tag command to modify the image name to include your Docker hub username:


docker tag uname username/uname

  1. Log in to Docker Hub, enter your Docker Hub username and password when prompted:

docker login

  1. Use the docker push command to save the image to your Docker Hub account:

docker push username/uname

  1. In a browser, log in to Docker Hub. The new image is visible in your account.

  2. (optional) Create a container from the Docker image on another computer with the same architecture.

If you have another computer with the same architecture you can run the image from Docker Hub.

Make sure Docker is installed on the second computer.

On the second computer, enter the docker run command to create a container from the shared image. For example:


docker run --rm username/uname


Because the image is not on the local computer, Docker downloads it from Docker Hub and creates a container.

You do not need to rebuild the Docker image on the second computer.

Next steps

In this section you learned how to build, run, and share a Docker image.

You used computers with the same instruction set architecture to build and share the Docker image.

To support multiple computer architectures, you can use a single Docker image that supports multi-architectures.

Continue the Learning Path to learn about multi-architecture images.
