Daytona allows you to use various cloud providers to manage your development environments. Installing providers does not require any configuration input. The details of using a provider are required when a Daytona target is configured.

To add providers, run:


            daytona provider install

Docker is already installed.

Select the providers you want to install using the arrow keys.

Select No when you are asked about creating a target. You can enter the details later when a new target is created.

To verify providers are installed, run the following command:


            daytona provider list

The output should display the list of providers you installed.

The output below shows the Docker, AWS, and Azure providers installed:


    Provider                                 Name                                            Version
    Docker                                   docker-provider                                 v0.12.6

    AWS                                      aws-provider                                    v0.3.6

    Azure                                    azure-provider                                  v0.3.6


You can remove providers using the uninstall command:


            daytona provider uninstall

Select the provider you want to uninstall.

You are now ready to use Daytona to manage your development environments.
