You will learn how to prepare a GitHub repository to be used in a CI/CD development flow.
You will need a GitHub account.
GitHub requires that a
Personal Access Token
be set. If you do not have this on your account already, navigate to Settings
> Developer Settings
> Personal Access Tokens
, click on Generate new token
, and save the token locally.
Ensure you have enabled the token to Update GitHub Action workflows
Setup your AVH instance, following the instructions in the Arm Virtual Hardware install guide . An AWS account is required.
As you shall be making modifications to the reference example, you must make your own copy (fork
) of the repository.
In a web browser, navigate to the repository at:
and create a fork in your own personal repository store (you must be logged into GitHub).
It is assumed below that you have used the same repository name (AVH-TFLmicrospeech
) for your fork.
In your Arm Virtual Hardware terminal, clone the fork of the repository, and navigate into its directory.
git clone<Your_GitHub_Username>/AVH-TFLmicrospeech
cd AVH-TFLmicrospeech/Platform_FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55
If you wish to verify the project behaves as expected, rebuild the project: --pack microspeech.Example.Reference.cprj
To run on the Virtual Hardware, use the provided script:
Observe the output:
Heard yes (146) @1000ms
Heard no (145) @5600ms
source file, which defines the output message.
nano ../micro_speech/src/
For example, change Heard
to The word was
TF_LITE_REPORT_ERROR(error_reporter, "The word was %s (%d) @%dms", found_command, score, current_time);
Rebuild and rerun the example. microspeech.Example.cprj
Observe that the output has changed as expected.
The word was yes (146) @1000ms
The word was no (145) @5600ms
Set your GitHub login details in your Virtual Hardware instance
git config --global "<GitHub_Username>"
git config --global <Email>
Verify that the repository fork is referenced:
git remote -v
Commit and push changed file(s) to the repository:
git add ../micro_speech/src/
git commit -m "changed output message"
git push
You will be prompted for your GitHub username and Personal Access Token (password).
Refresh your browser and observe that your fork of the repository has been updated appropriately.