Modify Learning Path metadata

Each Learning Path contains metadata which is used to create the Learning Path pages. The metadata is used by the website so all Learning Paths have the same information and are consistent.

This section explains how to add Learning Path metadata in two files:

  1. Metadata and Tagging information in
  2. Next Steps for readers in

Metadata and tagging

The following metadata is defined in the file:

Learning Path MetadataExplanation
titleShould start with a verb (learn, build), have no adjectives (amazing, cool), and be as concise as possible (limit one sentence).
minutes_to_completeTime to perform the steps in the Learning Path (not just read it).
who_is_this_forOne sentence indicating the target audience (developers using tools or software to accomplish tasks).
learning_objectives2-5 bullet points, one sentence each, describing what a reader will learn. Should start with a verb (deploy, measure).
prerequisitesEverything needed before this Learning Path can be started. Can include online service accounts, prior knowledge, previous Learning Paths, or specific tools and software. Offers explanatory links when possible.
author_primaryThe name of the person who wrote the Learning Path in case there are questions about the material.

Look at other Learning Paths for inspiration about how to write a good title, learning objectives, and prerequisites.


To specify a prerequisite Learning Path, do so with an absolute path from the root of the website. For example:

Note the absolute path of /learning-paths/cross-platform/docker/

Author information

If you provide your name in the author_primary metadata it will be listed on the top of the Learning Path in the Author field.

Displaying your name on the content you contributed is a great way to promote your work.

If you do not want your name to be displayed leave author_primary blank.

You can share additional information about yourself by editing the file contributors.csv at the top of the repository. This file collects your company name, GitHub username, LinkedIn profile, Twitter handle, and your website. All fields are optional, but any you add to contributors.csv will appear next to your name in the Author field.


Tagging metadata is also expected to increase visibility through filtering. Some tags are closed (you must select from a pre-defined list) and some are open (enter anything). The tags are:

skilllevels (closed)

Indicates the skill level needed as a developer to complete this Learning Path.

IntroductoryRequires minimal experience in this field or previous knowledge about the tools/software involved
AdvancedRequires experience with specific topics, tools, or software to properly understand this tutorial

subjects (closed)

Specifies the primary subject the Learning Path covers. Can only be one subject per Learning Path; if it spans multiple, pick the primary one. Select from the allowed list for each category, as defined here:

Server and CloudDesktop and LaptopEmbeddedMobileMicrocontroller
Performance and ArchitecturePerformance and ArchitecturePerformance and ArchitecturePerformance and ArchitecturePerformance and Architecture
MLMigration to ArmMLMLML
Containers and VirtualizationContainers and VirtualizationContainers and VirtualizationGamingSecurity
StorageStorageAR-VRVirtual Hardware
LibrariesEmbedded LinuxLibraries

operatingsystems (closed)

Specifies the operating systems this Learning Path can run on. Select from this list:

OS Options

tools_software_languages (open)

Specifies the tools, softwares, or languages this Learning Path uses. Please list out any key tools, software, or languages your Learning Path uses.

Tag TypeExamples
EnvironmentsAWS EC2, GCP
ToolchainsGCC, Arm Compiler for Embedded
IDEsArm Development Studio, VS Code
Online ToolsGitHub, Jenkins
Assortedcbuild, Docker
StacktinyML, CMSIS
LanguagePython, Java, Assembly
Librarieszlib, snappy

arm_ips (open)

Specifies the Arm IP this Learning Path involves, providing a quick link to IP information for developers interested in learning more. You can enter multiple specific or groups of IP. Note that this is not used for filtering content, but is clickable for readers to find more information about these IPs through searching automatically on

Grouping TypeWhen to useExamples
Specific IPThe Learning Path covers a specific board with one (or a few) Arm IPCortex-M4, Neoverse-N1, Mali-G57
Group of IPThe Learning Path applies to a wider class of Arm IPCortex-M, Cortex-A, Cortex-R, Neoverse, Mali

Next Steps

This is where you provide a specific next step for a reader, and provide further reading resources to dive deeper into the topics covered. The following metadata is defined in the file:

Next Steps MetadataExplanation
next_step_guidanceA 1-3 sentence description of how the reader can generally keep learning about these topics, and a specific explanation of why the next step is being recommended.
recommended_pathLink to the next learning path being recommended (For example, this could be Learn How to Use Docker )
further_readingLinks to references related to information covered
resource > titleThe displayed title of the provided further_reading resource
resource > linkThe website link to the specific resource
resource > typeHelps the reader understand what type of resource is being suggested. Can be either: (1) Manuals for a tool / software (type: documentation). (2) Blog about related topics (type: blog). (3) General online references (type: website).