Test Learning Paths

This repository provides a framework to help testing instructions, code snippets and maintain content.

The framework allows you to parse Learning Path articles and generate instructions to be run on a Docker container instance. It checks for expected behavior and stores results in Junit XML files. It creates one XML file for each section in a Learning Path.

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Edit Learning Path pages
  3. Edit metadata
  4. Run the framework
  5. Result summary
  6. Visualize results

Install dependencies

The framework is located in the tools folder. From the project root folder, install the Python dependencies with:


pip install -r tools/requirements.txt


Docker is also required. Refer to the Docker Engine install guide to install Docker on Ubuntu.

Edit Learning Path pages


Test instructions

Bash instructions can be tested:


    Let's test hello world:

    echo "hello world"

    Or a series or other commands:

    echo "hello world"


The framework will check the return code. If not 0, an error will be reported.

Specify expected return code

If a specific return code is expected, it can be specified as follows:


    The file myfile.txt doesn't exist yet
    and this command should return 1:

    ```bash { ret_code="1" }
    test -f myfile.txt


Command output

You can visualize the shell by specifying the command_line option. You can also test for expected output in the instructions by specifying the line(s) where the expected output should be displayed. This is done by adding the pipe symbol (|). Since the first line should contain the command itself, the indexing of the expected output lines starts at 2. You can specify a span (if the expected output is more than one line) with the dash symbol, for example "| 2-10".


    Let's check is this command return the expected output:

    ```bash { command_line="root@localhost | 2" }
    echo "hello world"
    hello world


The code above renders to display the shell identity to the reader:


        echo "hello world"
hello world


The framework will check if the command returns the same output and report an error otherwise.

Context between instruction blocks

The framework understands instructions in the Learning Path share some context, and as such they will be run in order in the same container instance. Files for examples can be created and reused afterwards in the Learning Path:


    Let's create a file:

    echo "Hello world" > myfile.txt

    And check if it exists:

    test -f myfile.txt


It is important to note that the framework does run each code block as a separate terminal session. As such, environment variables do not persist and it assumes the current directory is $HOME. If the current directory needs change, you can specify it as follows:


    Let's create a file in a folder:

    mkdir myfolder
    cd myfolder
    echo "Hello world" > myfile.txt

    This command will fail:

    test -f myfile.txt

    This command will pass:

    ```bash { cwd="myfolder" }
    test -f myfile.txt


For a command block, it is possible to specify multiple environment variables separated by ;:


    ```bash { env="VAR1=hello;VAR2=world" }
    echo $VAR1 $VAR2


To make environment variables persistent, it is possible to store them in the .bashrc and load them for the command block with env_source:


    ```bash { env_source="~/.bashrc" }


If you want to manage the environment with a tool such as environment modules to load the environment, you can use env_source with pre_cmd which will silently run a command before instructions in the code block:


    ```bash { env_source="/usr/share/modules/init/bash", pre_cmd="module load gcc-12" }
    gcc-12 --version


Ignore instructions


    This console output below will be ignored by the framework:

    hello world


Source code

Besides bash instructions, source code can also be tested.


    Here is some C code:

    ```C { file_name="hello.c" }
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
    printf("Hello World\n");
    return 0;

    Let's install GCC:

    sudo apt install -y gcc

    And compile the code with:

    gcc -o hello hello.c

    Run the executable with:



The C code snippet above will be copied over the container in a file named “hello.c”. The other bash command allows to build and run it.

Edit metadata

To allow the framework to parse and test the Learning Path instructions, edit the metadata in _index.md and add the following:


test_maintenance: true
- ubuntu:latest
- fedora:latest


The test_maintenance field is a boolean that enables the framework.

The test_images field is a list of Docker container images the framework can pull to test the Learning Path instructions. Check Docker Hub to explore available images.

Run the framework

From the project root folder, run:


./tools/maintenance.py -i content/learning-paths/microcontrollers/my-new-learning-path


If the Learning Path contains sub-articles, the framework will run their instructions in order, depending on the sub-articles weight.

Specify the .md file directly for single file tool install articles.


./tools/maintenance.py -i content/install-guides/mytool.md


If the tests are successful, that will be communicated through the console.

Investigating failures

The framework will print information about any errors to the console. To display additional output, run with the --debug flag.


./tools/maintenance.py -i content/install-guides/mytool.md --debug


Saving the results

If you want the results to be saved, add the --stats-report flag to the command. This will update a statistics file stats_current_test_info.yml, which publishes the result to the website. In order to do that, the Learning Path or Install Guide needs to exist as an entry in the statistics file. Find the category for your content. If it’s an Install Guide, the name will be that of the .md file without the extension. If it’s a Learning Path, you will use the name of the directory. For example:


      readable_title: My Tool
      - ubuntu:latest: passed
      readable_title: My new Learning Path
      - ubuntu:latest: passed


./tools/maintenance.py -i content/install-guides/mytool.md --stats-report


  - ubuntu:latest: passed
  - fedora:latest: failed


The field tests_and_status is a list that indicated whether all tests passed for a corresponding Docker container image or if at least one test failed.

In the example above, the summary indicates that for this Learning Path all tests passed for the image ubuntu:latest but at least one test failed for the image fedora:latest. More information about the failures can be found in the console.

Advanced usage for embedded development

Using the Corstone-300 FVP

By default, the framework runs instructions on the Docker images specified by the metadata . For embedded development, it is possible to build software in a container instance and then check its behaviour on the Corstone-300 FVP.

For this, all container instances used by the test framework mount a volume in /shared. This is where software for the target FVP can be stored. To check the execution, the FVP commands just need to be identified as a fvp section for the framework.

For example:


    We have previously built software for Corstone-300 in /shared/trusted-firmware-m/cmake_build/bin. To run the software on the FVP:

    ```fvp { fvp_name="FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55"; cwd="/shared/trusted-firmware-m/cmake_build" }
    FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -a cpu0*="bin/bl2.axf" --data "bin/tfm_s_ns_signed.bin"@0x01000000


The fvp_name allows to specify the FVP to run on. Currently, only FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 and FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U65 are supported.
