About this Install Guide

This guide is intended to get you up and running with this tool quickly with the most common settings. For a thorough review of all options, refer to the official documentation.

Arm license portal

To generate your licenses you need access to the Arm user-based licensing portal, with the account that the licenses were assigned to.

Verify you can access the following and see your assigned licenses before you begin.



License server set up

UBL license server software is supported on a variety of operating systems or virtual machines.

The license server uses a number of standard Linux utilities, including Python and Java.


            sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jre-headless python-is-python3

See Hardware and software requirements in the User-based Licensing Administration Guide .

Download and install server software

The local license server (LLS) software can be downloaded from:



Expand the tarball (named flexnetls-armlmd-<version>.tar.gz), and install the license server software.


            tar -xf flexnetls-armlmd-1.2024050.0.tar.gz
sudo ./flexnetls-armlmd-1.2024050.0/install_license_server

Additional options are described in the License Server Administration Guide .

The installer will automatically start the license server software. When complete, you will see output similar to:


        License server service flexnetls-armlmd is starting, and will start automatically on system start-up.
Waiting for license server... (up to 120 seconds, or press CTRL-C to stop waiting)

License server running and ready to accept requests at http://<external server name or IP address>:7070


Add install directory to PATH

It is recommended to add the server install directory to the PATH so that license server commands can be easily called. For example the default location:


            export PATH=/opt/flexnetls-armlmd/bin:$PATH

Set administrator password

You must set an appropriate administrator password to be able to execute subsequent commands. Use the following:



The administrator password is only stored locally. If you forget the password, you must uninstall and reinstall the license server.

See the License Server Administrator Guide .

Verify server hostid

The default hostid was selected by the license server installer. To view the selected hostid use:



which will output all available hostids, and highlight as selected the one that will be used. For example:


  "selected" : {
    "hostidType" : "ETHERNET",
    "hostidValue" : "001122334455"
  "hostids" : [ {
    "hostidType" : "ETHERNET",
    "hostidValue" : "001122334455"
  }, {
    "hostidType" : "ETHERNET",
    "hostidValue" : "445566778899"
  } ]


If you wish to change the selected hostid, edit the /server/local-configuration.yaml file. See the documentation for full details.


            # Specify the hostid to be used. Syntax: 001122334455/ETHERNET. Has to be one
# of the hostids reported by armlm_show_hostid.
active-hostid: 445566778899/ETHERNET

Register license server with Arm

Create a license server identity file (identity.bin) using:



Access the Arm user-based licensing portal.



Navigate to Manage License Servers, and click on Register Local License Server. Upload the identity file.

Add licenses to server

Click on Add Products and select the quantity of the available licenses to assign to that server. When satisfied, click on Add Products and a license file will be generated.

If not automatically downloaded or if to consolidate with existing licenses, click on Download all licenses allocated to this server.

Install the license file on the license server with:


            armlm_update_licenses --data-file <license_file>

You will see the following output when successful.


        Licenses have been successfully updated. No confirmation is required.


The licenses are now ready to use by the end-users .

Changing installed licenses per server

Adding licenses to server

To add licenses to the server, update the licenses assigned to the server appropriately in the portal.

Download and install the new license file on the server, as described above .

Deleting licenses from server

To remove licenses, first update the licenses assigned to the server appropriately in the portal.

Download and install the new license file on the server, as described above .

You must then generate a confirmation that the licenses have been removed from that server:



Upload the generated confirmation.bin file to the portal. The licenses will be returned to your pool for reassignment to another server.


You must delete all licenses from a server before decommissioning.

If the license server is no longer in use, you can delete it from the portal by clicking Obsolete server.

Monitoring license server status and usage


To check the status of the server application, use:



A working server will output:


        License server running and ready to accept requests at http://<external server name or IP address>:7070


License usage

To list the number of licenses (total and used) use:



Example output:


        1 product found on license server:

Hardware Success Kit (Early Access), HWSKT-EAC0, 2 seats, 1 seat used
    Order Id: 0000000000, valid until: 2023-Dec-31 23:59:59 UTC, 2 seats, 1 seat used


Active users

To list the current active users of the licenses use:



Example output:


        User   Product Code   Product Name                          Last Access                Held Until
----   ------------   ------------                          -----------                ----------
usr1   HWSKT-EAC0     Hardware Success Kit (Early Access)   2023-Jun-13 12:40:30 UTC   2023-Jun-20 12:40:30 UTC



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