About this Install Guide

This guide is intended to get you up and running with this tool quickly with the most common settings. For a thorough review of all options, refer to the official documentation.

Arm Keil Studio is the next generation software development environment for Arm Cortex-M based microcontroller devices. The desktop version is available as a set of Visual Studio Code extensions.

Alternatively, Keil Studio Cloud provides similar functionality, but runs in a browser and requires no installation.

Before you begin

Download , install, and start Visual Studio Code on your desktop.

Linux, macOS, and Windows are supported.

Install the Keil Studio extensions

The Keil Studio Pack extensions is available on the Visual Studio Marketplace .

Install the Keil Studio extensions:

  1. Open the Extensions view in Visual Studio Code
  2. Search for Keil Studio Pack
  3. Click the Install button to install all extensions in the Keil Studio Pack

Visual Studio Code installs the extensions. The extensions are now available in the Activity Bar.

You will be prompted to enable an MDK Community License for non-commercial use. Accept this option if you do not have a license and agree to non-commercial use.

If you have a commercial license for Keil MDK installed, decline this option.

Get started

Follow the Getting started with an example project tutorial to verify the extensions are installed correctly.

Extension information

Use the table below to find additional information about the VS Code extensions.

Arm CMSIS csolution provides support for working with CMSIS solutions (csolution projects).
Arm Device Manager allows you to manage device connections for Arm Cortex-M based microcontrollers, development boards and debug probes.
Arm Embedded Debugger allows you to do flashing and debugging on Arm Cortex-M targets implementing the Microsoft Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP).
Arm Remote Build allows you to undertake remote builds of projects for Arm Cortex-M targets.
Arm Virtual Hardware allows you to manage Arm Virtual Hardware and run embedded applications on them.
Keil Studio Pack installs recommended extensions for embedded and IoT software development on Arm-based microcontroller (MCU) devices.

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