About this Install Guide

This guide is intended to get you up and running with this tool quickly with the most common settings. For a thorough review of all options, refer to the official documentation.

EDA integration

This article discusses the Arm Fast Model stand alone use case.

If using as part of an EDA partner’s environment, please contact the relevant vendor for guidance.

Before you begin

Arm Fast Models are a library of components that are used to build a virtual platform. This virtual platform is an executable that runs on your Linux or Windows host.

Therefore to build such an executable, you must ensure that the appropriate host toolchain is installed.

For Windows hosts, Visual Studio 2019 16.11 (or later). Express or Community editions can NOT be used.

For Linux hosts, the supported gcc version depends on the Host OS.

The Fast Models User Guide provides full details.

Download installer packages

You can download the Fast Models installation package from the Product Download Hub .

Linux (AArch64 and x86) and Windows (x86 only) hosts are supported.

For more information about the Product Download Hub, refer to the Product Download Hub installation guide .

Install Arm Fast Models


Unzip the downloaded installation archive.

It is easiest to run the installation wizard (setup.exe), and follow on-screen instructions.

Once installed, open the System Canvas IDE, and select File > Preferences > Applications from the menu.

Set the Path to Microsoft Viaual C++ application devenv.com to your Visual Studio installation (<install_dir>\Common7\IDE). Click OK to save.


Use the setup.sh script to install:


            ./setup.sh --i-accept-the-end-user-license-agreement --no-interactive

You may be prompted to install additional libraries before proceeding.


            sudo apt-get install -y libsm6 libxcursor1 libxft2 libxrandr2 libxt6 libxinerama1

Once installed, set up environment with script of the form:


            . <install_directory>/FastModelTools_<version>/etc/source_all.sh

The installer will output the exact script for your setup.

Full instructions are provided in the Fast Models User Guide .

Set up the product license

Arm Fast Models are license managed. License setup instructions are available in the Arm Licensing install guide .

Verify installation

To verify everything is working OK, you can build one of the many example projects provided.

  • Launch the System Canvas IDE from your desktop, or from a terminal:

            sgcanvas &
  • From the menu, select File > Load Project, and browse to the FastModelsPortfolio_<version>\examples folder.
  • Select any example (such as \LISA\FVP_MPS2\Build_Cortex-M3\FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M3.sgproj).
  • Ensure an appropriate Project Configuration is selected from the pulldown in the upper toolbar (such as Win64_Release-VC19).
  • Click Build in the upper toolbar to build the virtual platform.
  • Once built, click Run and select ISIM system.
  • Click OK to launch the virtual platform.

The FVP will launch, and output text in the terminal similar to:


        telnetterminal0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
telnetterminal1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
telnetterminal2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002


A visualization of the FVP will also be displayed.

Terminate the FVP with Ctrl+C.


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