About this Install Guide

This guide is intended to get you up and running with this tool quickly with the most common settings. For a thorough review of all options, refer to the official documentation.

Arm provides various Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs) free of charge.

  • Architecture Envelope Models (AEMs) are generic FVPs suitable for early Arm Architecture exploration.

  • Arm Ecosystem FVPs model Arm hardware subsystems, and are supported by relevant Open Source Software projects.

Host platform support will vary by FVP.


Architecture Envelope Models

AEM FVPs can be downloaded directly from Fixed Virtual Platforms on the Arm Developer website.

Ecosystem FVPs

Arm Ecosystem FVPs can be download from Arm Ecosystem FVPs on the Arm Developer website.



Unpack the downloaded package, and install the FVP library with the supplied script. For example:


            ./FVP_Corstone_1000.sh --i-agree-to-the-contained-eula --no-interactive

For full list of available options, use --help:


            ./FVP_Corstone_1000.sh --help


Unzip the downloaded installation archive.

Run the installer (<FVP_name>.msi), and follow on-screen instructions.

Verify installation

Arm Ecosystem FVPs and AEMs are not license managed.

To verify everything is working OK, run the installed FVP executable, located in the models/<build_environment> folder of the installed directory. No additional command options are needed for this step.

For example:



The FVP will launch, and output text in a terminal similar to:


        host_terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
host_terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
secenc_terminal: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
extsys_terminal: Listening for serial connection on port 5003


A visualization of the FVP will also be displayed.

Terminate the FVP with Ctrl+C.

Integration with Arm Toolchains

These FVPs can be used in conjunction with Arm Development Studio or Keil MDK (Cortex-M FVPs only) to provide a debug target without the need for real hardware.

Some of these FVPs are also directly supplied with these toolchains.


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